Use the GCU Library to research information beyond what is provided in the course materials to explore the law and its application to special education issues covered in this course. Explore state dep

  1. How has the legal system evolved, as it applies to special education, over the past 20 years, and how has that affected the legal framework for
    special education today? According to the person I interviewed the laws have not changed a great deal. The enforcement of the law has changed. There are many more medical diagnosis now then there was in the past. We get lots of ASD kids now.

  2. How does the legal framework differ for special needs students and
    regular students in private and public schools? FAPE must be offered to any child found eligible under IDEA. If they are in trouble and get put out of school, then services must continue.

  3. Who monitors the implementation and evaluation of IEPs in private
    and public schools? Teachers are the implementers with their principals as the monitors to see that IEP’s are being followed.

  4. In the legal expert’s opinion, are there any elements of special
    education law that need refinement? Explain. The law is not on the side of the LEA. They are partial to the parent. When the parents are the problem it is very hard to affect change. The Due Process to solve disagreements is very time consuming and expensive. In the best interest of the children this process could be streamlined and be less expensive so more education agencies and parents would pursue this route.