Species InteractionsFor this assignment, you will be writing two parts of the scientific paper, the introduction and the discussion. Since we did not design an experiment we do not have methods or a S

1.Scientific and common name for house sparrow

Scientific name : Passer domesticus

Common name : Sparrow

2. Where in the world is the species originally from?

The House sparrow was recorded in Eurasia, North Africa and the Middle East.

Zimmerman, E. (n.d.). House Sparrow History. Retrieved January 09, 2018, from http://www.sialis.org/hosphistory.htm

3. Include the following points about the ecology of your non-native species for each point you should have an in-text citation (author, year):

a.Habitat requirements

They are usually associated with humans where they lived in. They can be found in cities, towns and farms etc. In some extreme environment, they only survive with people.

House Sparrow. (n.d.). Retrieved January 09, 2018, from https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/House_Sparrow/lifehistory

b.Interactions with other species (does it utilize another species? does it compete with another species?)

They do utilize other species. Because they eat many kinds of seeds supplemented by some of insects.

Roof, J. (n.d.). Critter Catalog. Retrieved January 09, 2018, from http://www.biokids.umich.edu/critters/Passer_domesticus/

One of the completion of is California Towhee. But towhee would not effect a lot on sparrow. Because sparrows are the one who pillage the foods.

C. Adaptions to the environment

Sparrow actually has been well-adapted by human urban life. But sparrow numbers is falling in past decades. Sparrows living in urban suffer more stress than those living in countryside.

Frontiers. (2017, October 3). House sparrow decline linked to air pollution and poor diet: City sparrows suffer from more stress than their country cousins, find Spanish researchers, especially during breeding season. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 8, 2018 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/10/171003111056.htm

4. Why is the species successful outside of its native habitat? for each point you should have an in-text citation (author, year):

a) How was the species introduced to southern California?

b) Does it have available habitat to colonize? Why? (Loss of natives? Fire?)

Yes. “They have vanished from two islands off Southern California, the result of more frequent fires and introduced hares altering the sparrows’ habitat.

c) Does it have plenty of resources, why?

House Sparrow. (n.d.). Retrieved January 09, 2018, from https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/House_Sparrow/lifehistory