How do governments justify coercion against their own citizens? Is there any legitimate reason for coercion in a democratic society? Running head: HOW THE GOVERNMENT JUSTIFY COERCION AGAINST THEIR OWN



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Justification v. Rationalization. Justification involves having something concrete as evidence that most reasonable people will agree gives anyone whatever right to do whatever it is that they are seeking to do or have done. For example: if I come home from work and find my wife in a miserable mood and later find out that she was raped that day but was too upset to talk with me about it some might argue that I was justified in taking a course of action against the man who raped my wife. (This is a true story although not my own) 
What is rationalization then? Rationalizing involves stretching events and facts (with regard to taking action or reacting to events) beyond that which most people will agree is reasonable. For example: should the above scenario happen to me it might be construed as unreasonable for me to then go on a shooting rampage. It might be perceived as unreasonable that I hunt the man down and do to him what any ex-special forces operative might consider (Lafont,2015)
Governments justify their control over their citizens by saying they have a better idea to help improve the quality of life for their citizens. There is a need for those things that are explicit in the United States Constitution. I'm speaking about the specific powers granted to the federal government in that document. We need a Judiciary to resolve disputes and establish justice for innocent citizens. We need Defense to insure that Americans can live and work in a peaceful environment. We need foreign diplomats to continue to build bridges that open lines of communication and establish working relationships with foreign powers so that Americans can feel comfortable doing business abroad and traveling to other countries. 
Beyond that, is icing? It's regulation. It's bureaucracy. It's more and more control over your life. Although very few politicians are talking about this issue, and it barely gets a blip on the media radar screen, America is on the verge of transforming from a Republic into a Dictatorship. To anyone who has studied history, economics and government America is closer to being a fascist society than we are a Constitutional Republic-Capitalistic society with a strong Democratic tradition. There are many who will deny this just as there were many American Colonists (a full one-third) who denied that we needed a Revolution and another full one-third who actually fought against the Revolution. 
It was only one-third of the American Colonists who supported an alternate government separate from the King and the Crown. America has always been governed by a minority faction. The same is true today. There are very few people who understand why many leaders in our government are supporting a 31% tax burden (I can show you how you pay that if not more), enormous public indebtedness, open borders, job outsourcing, the disintegration of values and family, the attack on morals and Christianity, an elastic currency system, and lie upon lie that leads to increasingly more bureaucracy and regulation of every aspect of our lives. 
The Republicans and the Democrats are in bed together because, together, they have created what is reality for Americans today. They are puppets for the most part with very few exceptions. They will do whatever the owners of the Federal Reserve insist upon including everything mentioned above.
Congressman Ron Paul is almost the lone exception in Congress. He's running for President and he is the only sane choice (considering the two major parties) who is a patriot, rather than a puppet, and who has a track record of consistently standing up for freedom, liberty and the United States Constitution.


Lafont, C. (2015). Deliberation, Participation, and Democratic Legitimacy: Should Deliberative Mini‐publics Shape Public Policy? Journal of Political Philosophy, 23(1), 40-63.