Please open the attached files and answer. Thank you.

Please answer the following questions. Be sure to answer them all to receive full credit.

Your answers do not need to be long, 10-12 sentences for each story; nevertheless, your posting should relate to the question and pose a thoughtful response to the essay. While you are not required to respond to your classmates, if you choose to reply, be respectful to differences of opinion.


When the narrator finally gets to the almost deserted bazaar, he describes its silence as "that which pervades a church after a service." this is certainly not the first religious image in "Araby."  Find all the allusions to and images of religion in the story.  How do they relate to the narrator's "adoration" of the "image" of Mangan's sister?  (Pay special attention to the sixth paragraph of the story.)

"A Pair of Tickets"

Explain the life Jing mei's mother led while she lived in China. What happened to her that broke her heart--something she never forgot. Then, tell how the term "blood ties," relates to Jing mei.