For remote access, it’s often better to use a Command Line Interface (CLI), rather than a Graphical User Interface (GUI). A CLI does not use a mouse. However, a program can interact with the user vi
def average_of_num_list( list ):
sum = 0 c = 0 for a in list:
c = c +1; sum = sum + a; return sum/c scores = [] choice = None while choice != "0":
print(""" Scoring Engine 0 - Exit 1 - List Scores so far 2 - Add a Score 3 - Display highest, lowest and average scores """) choice = input("Please enter a selection between 0 and 3: ") print() #exit if choice == "0":
print("Done.") # list score table elif choice == "1":
print("Scores recorded so far:") for score in scores:
print(" ",score) #add a score elif choice == "2":
score = float(input("Please enter a score between 0 and 100: ")) if(score >=0 and score <=100):
score = float(str(round(score, 1))) scores.append(score) else:
print("Score is not entered between 0 and 100. please try again") except ValueError:
print("Oops! That was no valid score. Try again...") #max,min,avg elif choice == "3":
scores.sort() len = len(scores) print("Highest: ", scores[len-1], " Lowest: ", scores[0], " Average: ", average_of_num_list(scores))