Interview Project Final Research PaperThe interview that you completed in Week 3 provides the background information for your final project.To support your work, you will also include a literature rev

Running head: INTERVIEW REPORT 0

Interview Report

Interview Report

Interview 1

Respondent’s Demographic Information

The first interviewee is a 26-year-old male African-American. The man is single although he has a girlfriend who often pays him a visit in his one bedroomed house in Saratoga Senior Apartments phase 1 in Vacaville estate Solano County in California. The respondent did Community development studies in College, and is employed as a permanent worker with a local not-for-profit organization. His salary is $20,000 per annum. He is a Muslim although he lives in a neighborhood dominated by Christians. He has never had children, and his parents and siblings live in New York.

Interview Questions

  1. How many times in a week do you participate in physical activities such as sports, gymnastics, or aerobics?

  2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes, marijuana, or used hard drugs, and how often do you take alcohol?

  3. How many times in a week do you eat whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and how often do you eat processed and junk foods such as chips, and soft drinks?

  4. Do you sometimes feel stressed or anxious whenever things do not work out the way you expected, and what ways do you deal with stress and anxiety?

  5. What are your biggest health worries?

Summary of Response

The interviewee responded to the first question about physical exercises confidently, elaborating that he usually goes to the gym twice a week, and plays basketball in a court within his residence thrice a week with his neighborhood peers. He also goes jogging with friends two hours in a week. Concerning the second question about alcohol and substance abuse, the respondent clarified that he only smokes about a packet of cigarettes in a month, and consumes about 1 liter of hard liquor in a week, mostly with friends. However, he neither smokes bhang nor use hard drugs although he admitted reluctantly of having smoked bhang when he was in college, a habit which he blames on peer influence.

About the third question on diet, the respondent is a great fan of junk food, which he eats about 8 servings in a week. He takes about four servings of whole grains and vegetables each. He also drinks at least two liters of soft drinks in a week. However, he believes that his girlfriend has a great influence on what he eats. On stress and anxiety questions, the respondent gets stressed about twice a month, and his remedy for relieving stress is alcohol and cigarettes. Finally, his greatest health worries are physical disability and respiratory illnesses. This respondent’s age group is prone to peer influence, which determines their lifestyle and the foods they eat (Kong, Morean, Cavallo, Camenga & Krishnan-Sarin, 2017). This seems to the main factor influencing this respondent’s choice of food, and physical activity.

Interview 2

Respondent’s Demographic Information

The second respondent is a 43 years old female Hispanic Caucasian. The lady is married to a white Caucasian man with whom they have stayed with for 15 years, and have two children; the first is seven years old while the second is five years old. They live in Palos Verdes in Los Angeles in a six-bedroom mansion that they bought. The respondent has a PhD Degree in Chemical Engineering, and works as a Chemical engineer in a local prominent electronic factory. She earns $80000 per year. She is an atheist.

Interview Questions

  1. How often do you engage in physical activities and fitness programs?

  2. Have you ever abused drugs, smoked cigarettes, and how often do you take alcohol?

  3. How many days in a week do you eat whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and are you a big fan of processed and junk foods?

  4. Do you get affected by stress and anxiety when things do not happen as you expected, and how do you deal with the stress or anxiety?

  5. What is your biggest health concern?

Summary of the Response

The respondent does not engage in sporting activities, gymnastics or aerobics. However, she plays netball for a few minutes with the children on Saturdays in their backyard. She is obese. Concerning drug abuse, the responded has never taken bhang, cigarettes, or hard drugs. However, she takes an average of two liters of wine in a week in social places. When it comes to diet, the respondent takes two servings of fruits every day, 10 servings of vegetable in a week, and six servings of whole grains per week. She is a great fan of junk food and soft drinks, which she takes at least seven servings in a week, and about three liters of soda in a week. The respondent gets affected by stress and anxiety once a week, and her way of dealing with the disorders is by visiting a private psychiatrist who prescribes to her appropriate remedies. The respondent’s biggest health worries are being overweight and cardiovascular complications. The type of sedentary lifestyle that the interviewee lives poses major health risks such overweight and lifestyle diseases (Veronese, Manson, Willett, Fontana & Hu, 2016). This leads to a high mortality rate, especially in working populations that do not engage in physical activities.

Interview 3

Respondent’s Demographic Information

The third respondent is a 63 years old Asian Caucasian man. He is married to a White Caucasian lady with whom they have a 22 years old son. He lives with his family in Bradbury Estate in Los Angeles. The respondent is a Master’s Degree holder in Information Technology. He owns a private IT firm in Oxnard, where he visits twice a week. His main role is to oversee the overall operations of the Company, and the annual net profit he gets is an average of $120000. He is a dedicated Christian.

Interview Questions

  1. Do you occasionally engage in fitness exercises or physical activities?

  2. Have you ever used hard drugs, smoked bhang, cigarettes, or taken alcohol, and if so, at what rate do you use them?

  3. How often do you take junk foods, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and sodas?

  4. Do you suffer from stress and anxiety sometimes, and if so how often?

  5. What is your biggest health concern?

Summary of Response

The respondent is a big fan of physical fitness. He goes for horse riding twice a week, jogs for at least 1 hour per week, and cycles for four hours in a week. On matters of drugs, the respondent has never abused drugs or smoked bhang. However, he used to smoke cigarettes but quit when he was 40 years old. He was also a heavy drunk but quit alcohol when he was 36 years old. The respondent neither likes sodas, nor junk or processed foods. He can eat about one serving of junk food per week and half a liter of soda in a month. In a week, he takes 8 servings of vegetable, 10 servings of whole grains. He consumes three servings of fruits in a day.

When it comes to stress and anxiety, the respondent experiences work-related stresses such as competitive rivalry from other IT firms in Los Angeles at least once a week. He relieves the stress through physical exercises. The respondent’s biggest health worries are diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Studies conducted by James et al. (2014) show that men above the age of 60 are prone to diabetes, prostate cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. As such, many educated people above the age of 55 tend to have lifestyles that reduce their exposure to such diseases. The lifestyle involves physical fitness, and eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and fruits, while reducing the intake of junk and processed foods (Anand et al., 2015).


Anand, S. S., Hawkes, C., De Souza, R. J., Mente, A., Dehghan, M., Nugent, R., ... & Kromhout, D. (2015). Food consumption and its impact on cardiovascular disease: importance of solutions focused on the globalized food system: a report from the workshop convened by the World Heart Federation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 66(14), 1590-1614.

James, P. A., Oparil, S., Carter, B. L., Cushman, W. C., Dennison-Himmelfarb, C., Handler, J., ... & Smith, S. C. (2014). 2014 evidence-based guideline for the management of high blood pressure in adults: report from the panel members appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8). Jama, 311(5), 507-520.

Kong, G., Morean, M. E., Cavallo, D. A., Camenga, D. R., & Krishnan-Sarin, S. (2017). Sources of electronic cigarette acquisition among adolescents in Connecticut. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 3(1), 10-16.

Veronese, N., Li, Y., Manson, J. E., Willett, W. C., Fontana, L., & Hu, F. B. (2016). Combined associations of body weight and lifestyle factors with all cause and cause specific mortality in men and women: prospective cohort study. bmj, 355, 1-8.