QUESTION 11. Your team has been assigned the task of sharing a model to help understand conflict styles. As team leader, describe the Kilmann Thomas's Managerial Grid model to your team. Your re

Communication Ethics Work

How Ethical is Your Boss?

Complete the following 10-item instrument using the following scale

1. Strongly Disagree

2.3 Moderately Disagree

3. Slightly Disagree

4. Slightly Agree

5. Moderately Agree

6. Strongly Agree

1. My boss is honest and can be trusted to tell the truth

2. My boss keeps his/her actions consistent with his/her stated values (Walks the talk).

3. My boss can be trusted to carry out promises and commitments

4.My boss is fair and unbiased when assigning tasks to members

5. My boss insists on doing what is fair and ethical even when it is not easy

6. My boss acknowledges mistakes and takes responsibility for them

7. My boss sets an example of dedication and self-sacrifice for the organization

8. my boss opposes the use of unethical practices to increase performance

9. My boss is fair and objective when evaluating member performance and providing rewards

10. My boss puts the needs of others above his/her own self-interest.

Scoring: Sum all 10 items together. Scores can range from 10-60; 10-26=Low in Ethical Leadership; 27-43= Moderate in Ethical Leadership, 44-60= High in Ethical Leadership.