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You have learned this term that it is important to understand the cross-cultural psychology literature on national and ethnic cultures and on the management literature on culture in organizations. Of major concern to the global organization is the impact by environmental sensitivity – culture and subculture. Climate change opinion varies by country on many levels, economic, political, legal, and social to name a few. Evaluate how cross-cultural cultural issues associated with environmentally sensitivity can be a source of competitive advantage. Also consider the impact: does it only represent a cost to an organization? How will global organizations adapt as concerns about the natural environment increase? Your paper should synthesize the theories and concepts learned this term and clearly demonstrate that you can apply them in your analysis and evaluation of this topic. Cite your textbook as well as outside academic research from the KU online library. You may also use these Internet sources:

In 12-15 pages, your APA research paper should reflect several weeks of effort and demonstrate your ability to analyze, apply, evaluate, and synthesize the future of the cross-cultural organization.