See attached files.

Rubric Name: BSHS Discussion Performance Rubric - v1


Level 5 - Excellent

Level 4 - Proficient

Level 3 - Developing

Level 2 - Improving

Level 1 - Emerging


4 points

Exhibits outstanding timeliness in posting comments per discussion instructions. Initial post occurs in a timely manner (1 – 3 days into the module), allowing ample time for classmates to respond and engage.

3 points

Initial post occurs later (4 – 5 days into the module), allowing limited time for classmates to respond and engage.

2 points

Initial post occurs substantially later (6 – 7 days into the module), allowing minimal time for classmates to respond and engage

0 points

Initial post occurs after the first week of the module.

0 points

Initial post occurs after the first week of the module.

Quality of Initial Post

4 points

Exhibits outstanding quality and length of post, per instructions.

Addresses all aspects of the discussion assignment.

Demonstrates self-responsibility for learning by reading course materials and doing additional research.

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

Quality of Responses

4 points

Extends meaningful discussions by adding new information that builds upon classmates’ posts and offers alternative perspectives.

Displays respect for diverse perspectives in a manner that is appropriate for a health professional in a multidisciplinary context

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

Critical Thinking

4 points

Demonstrates excellence in understanding and interpreting the issue.

Uses factual and relevant information to support statements as you develop concepts in a manner that shows full understanding of the issue.

Analyzes, synthesizes, and evaluates viewpoints and assumptions of others.

States conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and implications) that are logical and presented with appropriate rationale.

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

Writing and Information Literacy

4 points

Follows instructions carefully.

Uses credible scholarly and professional information sources.

Uses proper in-text citation(s) and a reference list as required.

Provides comments that are well-written without errors.

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

Overall Score

Level 5

24 or more

Level 4

19 or more

Level 3

14 or more

Level 2

9 or more

Level 1

0 or more