Age Demographics, Executive Summary, and Compile ProjectThe Fig Technologies Executive Leadership Council (ELC) has asked you to compile a report regarding the age demographics within the organization

Running head: PROJECT 8


Stephener Baisey

Columbia Southern University

Fig Technologies has identified concerns at several of their offices globally. Our Solution's Team has assessed the concerns of its employees and noted the division amongst the employees at all the sites are due to personal views regarding religion and sexual orientation. Currently, Fig Technologies does not recognize non-Christian holidays or LGBT celebrations. There are no established policies in effect which suggest future changes or amendments to said policy. This has brought tension amongst its employees, bringing to the attention that seventy percent of the employees have conservative views, while thirty percent does not. Identifying the seventy percent as the dominant group, thirty percent of the employees feel as though Fig Technologies need to amend current policy or change its policy to reflect the workplace. If not, Fig Technology would be responsible for creating a place and an environment that is not safe to work, lack professionalism, and respect for the company diversity policy and training.

Improving Organizational Culture

Diversification in its totality has not cultivated all workplace cultures, therefore improvement is recommended and needed. The United States of America was founded on religious principles and beliefs. The first amendment to the constitution, one's freedom of religion, makes the United States a country which embraces diversity in religion with various beliefs. However, Christianity is the most practiced religion in the U.S. and have influenced the establishment of most companies, so, there are noticeable differences and preferences which are not intolerant to different religions and sexual indifferences in the workplace environments. Workplace environments are becoming more diversified, companies should look at the many challenges of religious assimilation and make effective changes to assimilate various religions in the workplace culture. This would prevent and avoid potential problems and prove to be beneficial to its employees and company.

The policy addendum proposed to Fig Technologies, if implemented, will improve religious inclusion, avoid the possibilities of risks and problems, offer annual training in diversity, and allow their employees the right to appeal all decision-making policies not defined or supported by governmental state laws. This addendum will support and promote religious freedom and respect within the workplace environment despite the differences in one's religious beliefs.

Religious Beliefs and Practices

Most individual morals are based on their religious beliefs and practices. One's morals will define their workplace behavior.

When an individual, sincerely, upholds their religious beliefs and convictions, this will influence their ethical judgments as well as influence their decisions when business ethics are involved. (Vitell, 2013). These religious influences can oftentimes be quite beneficial to an organization who is committed to conducting and operating in excellent business ethics and business practices. Because individual personal values are formed by what they believe in religion and shaped by what religion they affiliate with there is a positive correlation between religiously committed individuals and job satisfaction. (Ghazzawi, Smith, & Cao, 2016). Individuals who are committed to an organization's mission are those who operate from workplace policies which establish an environment of freedoms which allows a person to be themselves. Job satisfaction comes when a person can express oneself. (Ghazzawi, Smith, & Cao, 2016).

The impact of LGBTQ in an Organizational Culture

Employees have the right to their own beliefs regarding homosexuality, a right to practice one's religion they identify with including workplace policies which establish boundaries. Employees do not have the right to harass or discriminate against individuals based on religion, sexuality or gender identity. A co-worker regardless of their religious beliefs must abide by all company rules, policies, including the TitleVII which protects the rights of people in the workplace.

The LGBTQ Community is very valuable to an organization. They buy, sell, and trade in the country which contribute to the economy. They work and help build productive communities which establish marketable businesses, so the community has significantly contributed equally as to others that are different than they. Despite religious intolerance, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer community is an enhancement to an organization and an organization should value the inclusion of the community.

The impact of Islamic Faith in Organizational Culture

The Islamic Faith is an organization can be challenging with the mistrust, misunderstanding, and hatred that plaque Americans perception regarding Islam. The individuals of Islam faith believe in working to provide life's necessities to the poor. The Quran teaches them to work for a living and they are to be productive citizens in society.

Muhammad the prophet in the Quran was a businessman and business is an important part of life. (Ghazzawi, Smith, & Cao, 2016). According to Ghazzawi, Smith, & Cao (2016), employees of Muslim faith tend to be more devoted to their jobs. Their devotion to their jobs is an asset to an organization but the efforts to assimilate Islamic employees could cause opposition with employees who are not Muslim. This is another reason why diversity training is important. Human Resources, management, and leaders should educate themselves about Islam, providing better accommodations and assimilation for Islamic employees.

Statistics show Judaism being the second largest religion in the States, but the Islamic faith will surpass Judaism in the future. (Minehan, 1998).

The Impact of Christianity in Organizational Culture

Christianity is the number one religion in the United States. (McCloskey, 2010). Through diversity training in the workplace, Americans are learning to embrace different religious faiths, but this does not prevent Christians from feeling as though Christianity principles, beliefs, and values will be removed from organizational culture. McCloskey (2010), stated, Christian values in the workplace are inspired by good intentions, which are counterproductive, however, the effects of Christian values may cause nondominant religious groups to be viewed as excluded. Christians should not be the reason alone the workplace include initiatives that represent their faith, but companies should try hard not to exclude other religious beliefs. Company management should be aware of the affiliations their employees are identified with and enact policies that do not favor one religious belief but embrace various beliefs through company acknowledgment and/or activities.


Fig Technologies must enforce their discrimination and sexual harassment policies, scheduling employees to attend training annual and follow-up training of the polices every six months. Employees are only certified in training upon completion of the course. Employees must be held accountable when policies are not adhered to. Disciplinary actions must be warranted according to governmental laws and company policies.

Discrimination issues among employees will tarnish a company reputation. It will decrease motivation amongst to its employees, and activate unwanted behaviors in the workplace, creating a hostile work environment. Companies will experience high employee turnover rates, civil lawsuits, all which effect work production.

All companies must operate with a zero-tolerance policy.

I would recommend diversity training for all employees. A committee established who would plan a day of fun for the company to recognize all religious faiths, involving all employees who would like to participate. A place should be designated for employees who would like to pray during their assigned breaks. A company-community drive, encouraging the various religions to prepare a favorite dish, encouraging all to participate, bringing people of different faiths to share with each other the values of their faith.

It is important for the company to acknowledge their employees and the values they bring as employees.


Vitell, S.J. (2013). The role of religiosity in business and consumer ethics: A review of the literature. Journal of Business Ethics, 90155-167. Doi:10.1007/s10551-010-382-8

Ghazzawi, I.A., Smith, Y., & Cao, Y. (2016). Faith and job satisfaction: Is religion a missing link/ Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications an Conflict, 20(1), 1-29. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.

Minehan, M. (1998). Islam’s growth affects workplace policies. HRMagazine, 43(12), 216.

McCloskey, F. (2010). Religion and Faith at Work: When does inclusion become exclusionary. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar. org