For Milestone Three, you will submit your Financial Assessment and Resource Planning Brief, which will become part of Component 3, due in Module Nine. In the brief, you will begin developing key finan

QSO 700 Mi lestone Three G uid elin es and Rubric Overvi ew: For the final projec t, you will create a Product Laun ch Comp rehen sive Strategy an d P rofessiona l Reflection to demo nstrate profic iency in all a reas of operations and project management. In Milestone Th ree, you wi ll su bmit a Fin anc ial Assessme nt an d Re sou rce Plann ing Brief, which will becom e part of Component 3, du e in Modu le Nine. In the brief, you will beg in develop ing key financial docu ments. You may need to su pp lement the case study with add itional resea rch on cu rrent or pa st financial statements for the organization . Consider how the new produ ct/service fits into the fin an cial capacity of the o rganization. Is the new service/produ ct app ropriate for t he organization’s strategic fi nancial i nvestment? Descri be the com pany valuation and the financial fit of the new produ ct/ser vice. Begin estimating the costs to manu factu re or d evelop the s ervice, the staffing needs, t he materia ls or eq uipment needed, etc. Next, estimate the plann ed be nefit of the new produ ct/ser vice, maki ng sure to consider the ongoing costs as well as the in itial de velopment costs. In the app en dix inc lud e an initial draft of the financial valuation and justifi cation of the new produ ct/ser vice usi ng a stand ard ap proach such as a cost/ben efit analysis, return on i nvest ment, i ntern al rate of retur n, net present value, an d/or break-even a nalysis. The instru ctor will provide feedb ack on this milestone to bett er shape your fi nal capstone project. Critica l Eleme nts  Econo mic Fit: Descri be how the plann ed n ew produ ct or service is a goo d f it for the o rganization f rom a financial pe rspect ive. Disc uss the econo mic feasi bility of the project.  Ope rationa l Costs: Identify the costs su rround ing the manu factu re of the produ ct or any un iqu e manu factu ring or service-related req uirements to su pp ort the new produ ct or servic e. This may inc lud e leveraging operational tools and tech niqu es to forecast material n eeds and sta ffing levels s uch as inventory tur ns, holding costs, weeks of su pp ly, econo mic order quantity, resource plans, or other stand ard app roaches.  Ben efit s: Estimate the p otential ben efits of the new produ ct or service, leveraging a stand ard estimating ap proach and noting confiden ce levels.  Cost Justification: Prep are a cost/ben efit analysis for the new produ ct or ser vice. You may also leverage other fi nancial ju stifi cation ap proaches such as IRR, ROI, or break-even. Rub ric Guide lines for Sub mission : Your d raft must contain all of the elements listed above. It sh ould be 3–5 pages in len gth ( exclud ing the title pa ge and referenc es), using 12 -point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. You may inc lud e summ ary pictures, ch arts, graph s, or other exp lanatory diag rams as ne eded to successfu lly exp lain the con cept and implementat ion, but this detailed su pp orting docu mentat ion should be pro vided in ap pen dice s. Your pa per should follow APA g uideli nes. You must inc lud e at least three sch olarly sources. C ite your sources within the text of your paper and then i nclud e tho se sources on a reference page. Critical Elements Proficient (100 %) No t Proficient (0%) Va lue Main Elements Inclu des most of the main eleme nts Does not inclu de an y of the main elements 15 Critical Thinking Provide s logical conclusions and defe nd s with examples Does not provide logical conclusions 15 Econom ic Fit Describe s how the plann ed new produ ct or service is a g ood fit for the organization from a financial perspective an d eco nomic feasibility Does not descri be economic fit or economic feasibility 15 Operatio nal Co sts Identifies the op erati on al costs using stand ard operati on al forecasting an d estimati ng tech niqu es Does not identify the op erati onal costs using stand ard op erati on al forecasting an d estimating techn iqu es 15 Benefits Estimat es the potenti al benefits, leveraging a stand ard estimati ng app roach an d noti ng confidence levels Does not estima te the potenti al benefits, leveraging a stand ard estimating app roach and noti ng con fidence levels 15 Cost Justification Prep ares a c ost/bene fit analysis for financial justification Does not prepare a c ost/bene fit analysis for financial justification 15 Artic ulation of Res pon se Submission does not have critical errors related to citation s, gram mar, spel ling, syntax, or orga nization that preve nt und erstand ing of ideas Submission has critical errors related to cita tions, gram mar, spel ling, syn tax, or orga nization that preve nt un derstan ding of ideas 10 Total 100%