Berkeley College - Sociology - Spring 2016 TEST # 2 (Chapters 3, 4, 5) Chapter 3 1) Culture is shared knowledge, it has to be learned. true b. false...

Berkeley College - Sociology – Spring 2016

TEST # 2 (Chapters 3, 4, 5)

Chapter 3

1) Culture is shared knowledge, it has to be learned. a. true b. false

2) A basic feature of a culture is:

a. symbols (language)

b. technology

c. social roles

d. values

e. norms,

d. all of the above

3) Being female or male is a/an: a. ascribed status b. achieved status

4) Being a police officer is a/an: a. ascribed status b. achieved status

5) A person should not talk when someone else is speaking. This is an example of what kind of norm? a. mores b. folkways

6) A person should not have more than one spouse. This is an example of what kind of norm? a. mores b. folkways

7-8) Explain the difference between “ethnocentrism” and “cultural relativity”. Why is it so important to address this issue in sociologisy?




9) An important sociologis argued that capitalism originated from a very specific religious heritage. He showed how following the principles of Luther and Calvin the basic tenets of capitalism emerged. That sociologist was:

a. Max Weber b. Emile Durkheim c. William F. Ogburn

10) The difference between a “subculture” and a “counterculture” is that:



Chapter 4

1) Socialization ends when you become an adult.

a. true b. false

2) Kingsley Davis studied a neglected girl he named Anna, and demonstrated the importance of…

a. twin studies in sociology and psychology.

b. the sensorimotor stage of development.

c. social interaction in human development.

3) The “looking-glass self” is the phrase used by Charles Horton Cooley to emphasize that the self is the product of our social interactions with others.

a. true b. false

4) According to Freud’s theory, society shapes the self mainly through the,,,

a. Id b. Ego c. Superego

5) George Herbert Mead suggested that the self is: a. a static phenomenon

b. continually developing and changing c. a quality that one is “born in”

6) When children grasp both their own social positions and those of others around them (as in a baseball game the players understand all social positions involved), Mead calls this stage of development of the “self”:

a. preparatory stage. b. play stage. c. game stage.

7) Which of the following do sociologists recognize as an agent of socialization?

a. family b. school c. media d. all of these

8) What is the “hidden curriculum”?



9) What does cognitive psychologist Alber Bandura mean by “observational learning”?



10) According to sociologists, the family is the most important agent of socialization. However, nowadays another agent of socialization is arguably just as important.

a. churches b. school c. media d. government

Chapter 5

1) An example of “ideological social control” is.

a. a political speech b. an electroshock

2) An example of “direct social control” is:

a. a political speech b. an electroshock

3) A middle-school textbook which explains the history of the U.S.A. without talking about how Native Americans tried to survive the invasion of their territories first by European colonists and then by the U.S. government would be a good example of

a. ideological social control b. direct social control

4) Why did Karl Marx define “religion” as the “opiate of the masses”?



5) According to your textbook, the media are an agency of:

a. ideological social control b. direct social control

6) The concentration of the media in the hands of fewer and fewer corporations has consequences. Name one of them.



7) According to your textbook, the government is an agency of

a. ideological social control b. direct social control c. both

8) Piven and Cloward argue that public assistance probrams serve a social control function in times of mass unemployment by defusing social unrest.

a. true b. false

9) According to your book, psychologists and psychotherapists are often “agents of direct social control”. Can you give me an example?



10) The FBI paying informants to infiltrate the Feminist Movement is an example of

a. ideological social control b. direct social control