Solve the following questions.

1. The following Table below gives the activities in construction project and time duration.

Project Schedule with Time Duration


Preceding Activity

Normal Time (Days)












1-3, 2-3


2-4, 3-4


Draw the activity network of the project.

2. Perform a Forward and backward pass of the network diagram given below and also find which activity has the early finish as that of late finish.


3. The durations given below shows the normal schedule for a project. The Table given below summarizes the time-cost information for the activities. Assume that for each activity there is a single linear, continuous function between the crash duration and normal duration points. Find the crash cost slope for each activity.


4. The number of cars arriving at a self-service gasoline station during the last 50 hours of operation are as follows:

Number of cars arriving Frequency

6 10

7 14

8 18

9 8

  1. Set up a probability and cumulative probability distribution for the variable of car arrivals.

  2. Estimate random number intervals for the variables.

  3. The following random numbers have been generated: 99, 98, 26, 09, 49, 52, 33, 89, 21, and 37. Simulate 10 hours of arrivals at this gas station. What is the average number of arrivals during this period?

5. A new airport development project has five major activities. The times are estimated and provided in the table below.

Activity Immediate Predecessor a m b

A --- 7 4 13

B --- 10 10 10

C A 12 3 6

D B 2 5 2

E C 6 6 6

Draw the PERT network associated with the activity and calculate expected time.

6. Job Saint has laid out the major steps and eight activities to complete the wing assembly for an experimental air craft. These activities have been labeled A to H in the following table, which also shows their estimated completion time (in weeks) and immediate predecessors.

Activity Immediate Predecessors a m b

A --------- 1 2 3

B -------- 2 3 4

C A 4 5 6

D B 8 9 10

E C 2 5 8

F C, G 4 5 6

G D, E 1 2 3

  1. Determine expected time and the variance for all the activities.

  1. Determine the earliest start and finish, latest start and finish time and also find slack time for each activities and the project completion time.