Congratulations! You have just been called for your third and final  interview for a position as the food and beverage manager for the Ocean  Beach Café. You have been asked to prepare a report for

This second exam will be a take home essay. To complete the exam, write an essay answering the following question:

Can a Christian live comfortably (both morally and materially) in today’s consumerist society?

While the question itself is simple, your essay in response must demonstrate reflection on the themes from our readings and discussions, both from our earlier unit on the foundations of Christian morality and especially our current unit on ethics in a consumerist society. You will be graded not so much on your answer, but on how thoroughly and intelligently you draw on these readings and discussions.

You can use your class notes and readings to help complete the exam. You should include brief citations—parentheses with the author and page number—when you make use of a reading, whether or not you quote it.

Your essay should have an introduction with a thesis statement explaining your answer to the question, and at least there main paragraphs, each making a distinct point in support of the thesis. The paper should be between 2 and 4 pages, with normal margins, double-spaced, and 12-point font.

On this exam, you will be graded on your knowledge of the basic concepts and themes of Christian morality, your understanding of ethics in a consumerist society, your critical thinking, and your writing. Your grade on the exam will be determined by your performance in these areas, as described in the following chart.


TRS 351 Foundations of Christian Morality

Second Exam

Total: /50





Critical Reasoning (15 points)

A (90-100%)

  • Makes specific and insightful thesis

  • Thoroughly and insightfully explains reasons backing thesis

  • Insightfully uses high quality evidence to support positions


B (80-89%)

  • Makes specific and relevant thesis

  • Thoroughly explains reasons backing thesis

  • Appropriately uses quality evidence to support positions

C (70-79%)

  • Makes somewhat specific and/or somewhat relevant thesis

  • Some reasons explained, some simply stated or indistinct

  • Uses mixed quality evidence to support positions in a somewhat appropriate way

D (60-69%)

  • Makes sweeping or irrelevant thesis

  • Most reasons simply stated or indistinct

  • Uses poor quality evidence with little connection to positions taken

F (0-59%)

  • Does not present identifiable thesis

  • Very few reasons given that support thesis

  • Little or no evidence given

Writing (5 points)

A (90-100%)

  • Ideas are articulated clearly

  • Language is appropriate, not too slangy or informal

  • Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and paragraphs center on that topic

  • There is a logical order to paragraphs

  • Essay is largely free from spelling and grammar mistakes


B (80-89%)

  • Mostly clear, but a few confusing phrases

  • Language is sometimes too slangy or informal

  • Some topic sentences of paragraphs are vague, and/or paragraphs drift from topic

  • Some paragraphs seem out of order

  • Essay has some spelling and grammar mistakes

C (70-79%)

D (60-69%)

  • Many confusing phrases

  • Often uses slangy or too informal language

  • Many paragraphs missing topic sentences and/or do not have clear topic

  • Very little order among paragraphs

  • Paper is riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes

F (0-59%)

Content (30 points)

A (90-100%)

  • Demonstrates a thorough and insightful knowledge of key concepts of Christian morality

  • Demonstrates a thorough and insightful understanding of ethics in a consumer society


B (80-89%)

  • Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of key concepts of Christian morality

  • Demonstrates a thorough understanding of ethics in a consumer society

C (70-79%)

  • Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of key concepts of Christian morality

  • Demonstrates an adequate understanding of ethics in a consumer society

D (60-69%)

  • Demonstrates a limited knowledge of key concepts of Christian morality

  • Demonstrates a limited understanding of ethics in a consumer society

F (0-59%)

  • Demonstrates little or no knowledge of key concepts of Christian morality

  • Demonstrates little or no understanding of ethics in a consumer society