Please utilize the two leaders and information provided in the attached outline. Each leader must be, or have been a business or world leader (each leader) from 1960 to the present. Provide three se


Outline of Two Leaders

Joshua Brown


  • Introduction

  • The aviation industry is one of the sectors that are fragile to decisions made due to the crises. Understanding this will need comparison of two leaders responded to crisis in the airline industry and the effects of such responses (Pramanik et al., 2015).

  • The United States president Donald Trump good leadership and William Seawell bad leadership is analyzed based on their response to crisis in airline industry.

  • Background Information

  • Donald Trump: Good Leader

  • Donald Trump is the sitting president of the United States of America. In his administration, Trump expressed his desire for real-time airline services at an affordable cost (Peters, 2017).

  • He promised to reduce the aviation regulations burden that had hindered the industries performance to revamp it to higher levels after the 2015- 2016 decline in operation (Trump et al., 2017).

  • William Seawell: Bad Leader

  • Mr. William Seawell was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Pan Am Company in the Flagship carrier of the United States. In his reign, Mr. Seawell believed that the flagship carrier was underperforming in its international flights because of the inadequate large capacity airline carriers.

  • He initiated a procurement of purchasing a number of Boeing 747s at a cost of $400. This increased the airline dept.

  • He was sacked a year later yet still the company was declared bankrupt in a couple of years (Business Insider, 2010).

  • Literature Review 

      • Definition of a crisis 

        • Crisis are fluid for every company and need informed decision-making process (Boin & Hart, 2003)

        • They cause extreme distress (Mitroff, 2005)

      • Leadership in crisis  

        • Need to be sober, critical thinkers and innovative (Mullins, 2003)

        • Need to understand the public expectation over them (Boin & Hart, 2003).

        • Their actions will drown or elevate the company


Boin A. & Hart, P. (2003). Public leadership in times of crisis: Mission impossible? Public Administration Review, 63(5), p. 544.

Business Insider. (2010). The 15 worst CEOs in American history. Retrieved from

Peters, B. (2017). How Trump helped airline stocks reach skyward today. Retrieved from with-trump/

Pramanik, R., Ekman, O., Hassel, H., & Tehler, H. (2015). Organizational Adaptation in MultiStakeholder Crisis Response: An Experimental Study. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management23(4), 234-245.

Trump, B. D., Keisler, J. M., Lambert, J. H., & Linkov, I. (2017). Campaign to governance: science, engineering, and policy innovation for America’s top infrastructure projects. Environment Systems and Decisions37(1), 42-45.