For your general response to a classmate, read through your classmates' posts and add to the conversation.  Some options for this response include the following:Respond to the classmate who analyzed

For your general response to a classmate, read through your classmates' posts and add to the conversation. Some options for this response include the following:

Respond to the classmate who analyzed the essay you selected.

Add to a classmates' analysis of an essay. Was something overlooked? Did you see something differently?

Ask a question to another student to push their thinking further or in another direction.

Answer a question a student asked.

Post a new thread that brings up a big idea in this week's discussion or makes connections between multiple classmates' posts.

Nicole Lowe 

Unit 1 discussion


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Do what you love - Tony Hawk

The main idea of this essay is to let people know that it's ok to have a job that you love, regardless of what other's tell you. Follow your dreams and become the best you can be at whatever it is you want to achieve, It also tells us to not let the negative people get to you, the ones who say you'll never make it and who tell you that you're wasting your time. 

I chose this essay simply because of the title. Once I started reading it, it really hit home to me. I have had struggles finding my career path. I went from wanting to be a cosmetologist to a police officer. I will never forget my uncle telling me " why would you want to stand around all day and wash and cut peoples dirty hair?!" I knew that people would always have the need to get their hair cut, so I knew it would be a lasting job. I could not agree more with this post. No matter what your passion is in life, go for it, don't let anyone or anything stand in your way, because one day you might regret it!

Cvetanka Bojcevski 


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1.      A link to the essay:

2.      The title of the essay: Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace; By Dani Weathers

3.      A summary paragraph of the essay’s main idea and key points: 

When I opened the Explore tab on the main page I decided to choose to explore by theme. That seemed to be an easy way for me to find what I might be looking for in an essay. 

I chose courage because I believe that the opportunity to use it comes to us in various ways every day. 

Dani's story is about losing her father to an untimely death from a motorcycle accident. She was so stunned by the loss of her father and the distance she felt with her mother and brother she soon developed manic depression and post traumatic stress disorder. Because this disease had gone unnoticed and undiagnosed she started cutting herself , using the pain to take away her numbness and to feel like she was still alive. 

She finally realized that she had an addiction to cutting when she saw that she was scared of the person she had become, and her friends grew worried for her as well. She then decided and had the courage to get help to stop her self destruction. 

4.      A paragraph explaining why you chose the essay as the most moving or effective essay from the website

I think Dani's story spoke to me because I have seen what addiction does to people close to me. My sons father died from his addictions a few years ago. My son is young, he had just turned 3 years old when his dad passed so I think as time goes on he will have memories from what he gets passed on in stories. I think of  myself as well, having courage to keep moving forward one step at a time day by day.

Title: Old Love

Author: Jane R. Martin – Wilmington, Delaware

Written: January 29, 2018

Syneeka Weaver 

I chose the essay, Old Love, because I Believe in love, specifically Old Love. In this essay, Author Martin tells a story of her father, his very special friend, and how the two met and fell in love. She states, “The young believe in young love, the Romeo and Juliet kind of love”. She also states that she believes in “Old Love”. I am a young lady, age 28 (at the end of this month), I have an old soul and believe in “Old Love” as well. I believe old love is more meaningful, real, passionate and better than a Romeo and Juliet kind of love. With old love, there is patience, respect, and honesty, while in my opinion, young love is a lesson to be learned.

I had other reasons for choosing this essay as well. I am a person who is very intuned with my emotions, I love to love, and I respect love. The month of July is an emotional month for me because I too lost my father two years ago to be exact, making this month year three.

Angelo Key 

Unit 1 Dicussion


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The summary of "What We Tried to Do" by Louise Gray was a love story with powerful knowledge and meaning. Ms. Gray seems to be living the perfect life. She was in love with a man that wanted to marry her. She did not agree with his demands that he wanted her to do. She finally told the man that she would not marry him. They both were sad but Ms. Gray felt a relief. They tried to mend things back together but things just did not work out. The man went on to get marry to someone else. Ms. Gray moved on as well. Time had passed on and one day she searched the web and found out that the man had died. The love and friendship still remained even tho he had passed. Ms. Gray had no regrets and the love was still the same.

The essay was touching to me. We all go through  different struggles in life. Sometimes we can get so caught up in a person and lose ourselves. It can be hard to let go of something you love. This lady in this essay did not let love stop her from what she did not want to do. I love that she made her own mind up and still remained friends with him. The love never left and the friendship remained.

"What We Tried to Do"

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Sharnecia Highman 



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2. Mom's Everyday Advice

3. " Mom's Everyday Advice" is basically about a young lady by the name of Lea Cassel Matthews who finally took heed to what her mother use to tell her growing up. One of her mother's favorite words of wisdom was, " Do the right thing, at the right time, and you will never be sorry.". Lea explained that anytime her mother would say that, she would feel some type of way and her words would basically go in one ear and out the other. However, reality hit and she describe and gave examples about situations that led her to taking heed to what her mother would tell her growing up. Overall, she realized that her mother's words of wisdom or as she would put it, her mom's everyday advice helped her realized her true identity as a person who will do the right thing, at the right time, so she would never be sorry in the long run.

4. I chose that particular essay based of the title because it caught my interest. My reason for saying this is because I can definitely relate with the author about our mom's everyday advice. Just like Lea I do not always take heed to what my mom was telling me but somehow her words of wisdom stuck to me like glue without me realizing it. There are several sayings that my mom have said to me that have went in one ear and out the other but when reality set in my mother's everyday advice began to echo everytime. I know that myself and Lea are not the only one's who can relate about taking advice from the people we love. All in all, this essay helped me realized that your mother's advice will never stir you the wrong way whether you listen to her or not.

Kevin Baty 



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Laughter is the best medicine

The essay talks about this person who enjoys making people laugh for her whole life. She enjoys telling jokes to her family and friends. So one day her friend came to her for some advice about their mom. Their mom was recently laided off her job and took to alcohol and was feeling down. So her advice was tell her a joke, so she gave him a joke to tell and he told his mom the joke and she was worry free during that time and a laugh he havent heard in a while. The essay explains that whatever you are going through in life, if it's down time or going through a diease. Laughter will make you temporary forget what you are going through and experience some joy.

I chose this article because I enjoy to laugh and always love a good joke. When i had down times in life and was able to be around people who cracked jokes or were just funny altogether. It takes you out of what you are struggling with and makes you feel good and forget about what you are going through. It a gift to share with someone who is in need.

Bernae Black 



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Title: The People Who Love You When No One Else Will

Cecile Gilmer essay tells a story about how she found a new family. And learning love has no limit rather you are related or not and also allowed herself to become an open minded person to the idea of being raised in a household with other then with her immediate family. This opportunity has allowed her to grow and change for the good and with the love and support from her new family who knows what path her life could of landed. 

I choose this essay because I grew up in foster care for 3 years before I was adopted by my new family! I can say growing up in a foster home has taught me a lot especially learning to value life and the people who comes along. Also giving me a second chance at life and learning to built a bond with someone who wanted nothing but to spread their love. When I was first taking in everything, things were a blur to me I was lost, confuse and just wanted to be back with my family. I became so angry, I would bully other kids to avoid my pain because I could not understand why I could not go back home to my family. But now I am grateful for my parents, and feel more at peace, graceful to have someone like them in my life who has loved and supported me thought this journey of my life!

Essay Link:

Jacqlyn Smith 



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Title:  The Place I Call Home

   The writers main idea was to say that do not let the color of skin, religious beliefs or anything like that hold you back from getting to know your neighbors. She moved around a lot when she was a kid since her dad was in the military so she never got to have real friends. Once she moved on her own to a mostly white neighborhood she thought she wouldn't fit in. After she got herself worked up that she wouldn't, friendly neighbors came to her door and introduced themselves and also took her to other places around the town. Soon enough she was walking to the store, waving at everyone and getting to know everyone in the town since it was small. Do not every judge a book by it's cover, get to know someone or a place before you distance yourself from them or the place.

  I choose this essay because one reason is that my dad was in the military. I was younger when we just packed everything up and moved back to our home state, but I was born where he was stationed and then came back to this place I live now and it is not one of the best places to live. The other reason is because everyone is quick to judge someone before even getting to know them. I have personally judge someone before I got to know them and I felt bad about doing that because they are the sweetest person I known. And we all know that if a town is mainly one color and another color moves in they all watch that person and doesn't give them and opportunity to speak and show them who they are.

Ashley Jackson 

Discussion 1


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2. Do what you love By: Tony Hawk 

3. In this essay Tony Hawk talks about always do what you love, no matter what people say. He explained how skateboarding was his passion and he worked hard at it even though people told him he wouldn't be successful. He stated that even in the dark years he never stopped riding and never stopped progressing as a skater. He gained much success because he stayed consistent and profected his craft. When you do what you love it doesn't feel like work. Tony Hawk have accomplished so many things through out his life but being a professional skater is his greatest accomplishment. 

4. I enjoyed this essay and felt it was the most moving because through out my life I have been told to do what you love. My parents always told me you need to find your passion. If you find out what's your passion you will love going to work. And it actual wouldn't feel like work. When you are passionate about something you put all your effort into it. Tony Hawk explained this concept in his essay. It's so many people just working a job because they need a job. Most people do not get to live out there dreams. When you do what you love it makes your life worthwhile. 

Marilyn Jules Bottom of Form

Unit 1 Discussion


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Doing Things My Own Way

           Bela Fleck is a musician who discusses his unusual approach to learning and playing the banjo. After hearing one of the Jazz greats Fleck became obsessed with playing Jazz on his banjo. He did not learn music in school, instead choosing to take lessons from fellow banjo players. With doing so Fleck can barely read music, doesn't understand the conditions of each tradition. He went on to discuss more downsides like not knowing which notes to leave out, not knowing how to voice jazz chords, how scales work and all the rhythmic concepts. With all the downsides Fleck still had a passion to continue playing the banjo. 

          Choosing this essay was easy for me. The title says it all. This is my typical everyday life. Individuality is a  trait I enjoy possessing. The author did not just highlight all the ups of his approach. He also informed the readers of the many downsides he experienced. Its like taking a risk. Some you win and of course some you lose. Fleck was passionate and stuck to his belief and he was rewarded. He was able to compose and play the types of music he was passionate about.

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Destinee Riley 

Unit 1 - This I believe


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Joy Cometh in the Morning 

The essay I chose and believe in was " Joy cometh in the Morning " . It was describing the life of a child whom was born addicted to drugs and seemed like he had no other way out of life . His mother and father were both addicts and abusive to him and his other 13 siblings , it went so far to the point the father impregnated his own daughter. Their landlord noticed their living conditions and called help immediately, thankfully they all got new homes through the foster care system . He was filled with hurt and anger caused by his real parents and he wouldn't let anyone in to love and care for him . He is now doing and living better but some days he thinks back on why he was so blessed to get out of that house , at the times it was challenging for him to believe. So even though he cried himself to sleep sometimes he now knows joy cometh in the morning and he still stands strong in believing that till this day. 

This essay was so touching to my heart because I know a lot of people even myself wants to give up and throw in the towel and don't realize they are beyond blessed but , once you look at someone else's life it makes you notice that you should forever be grateful . No matter how hard times may seem to get never give up because your story could always help people and give them encouragement with their situation. This essay gave me a peace of mind to know regardless of how bad it rains on your life,  Joy cometh in the morning !

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Unit 1 Discussion_Kimberly Jacobson


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Title:  O' Holy Night

Kimberly Jacobson 

The author wrote a unique story.  Her main point was never let anything hold you back.  She started off her story with an event that happened when she was a child.  Some key points that she made were, it is ok to be different, stay true to yourself and who you are, don't be embarrassed about the things that make you who you are, everyone makes mistakes and just because something isn't done perfectly, does not mean it is not beautiful.

I was initially drawn to this essay because of the title, it is one of my favorite Christmas songs.  I love music, it gets you through so many things in life, so I searched for essays under the music category.  I read a few essays where the title had caught my eye, but this one drew me in.  Here I am thinking that this essays is about this song, but it took a wonderful turn and made me love this even more.  She talks about how we should always stay true to ourselves, don't change who you are because of "society's standards."  We are all different and thats what makes us unique and beautiful in our own ways.  So, never hold back and when you hear a song you love, just belt it out.  It is so important that we accept who we are and never be ashamed of making a mistake or forgetting lyrics, it is still beautiful.

3 days ago

Andrea Wood 

Unit 1: I Believe


Top of Form "The Light of a Brighter Day" is the title of the I Believe essay I decided to read about. The story's main point was how the writer was able to pull through on some hard times they had through life. Although there were hard times it didnt keep her from doing great things.

I have always had a special place in my heart for Helen Keller. What an amazing women and so many accomplishments in one life time. She is someone that should inspire all of us. Being blind and deaf did not hold her back one bit. It amazes me that with the disabilities she had, she stood in front of people giving motivational speeches. You can do anything as long as you have your heart and mind set on accomplishing it.

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Nicole White 

week 1 I believe


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Respect Yourself

David Westwood -  Lakewood, California

As heard on the This I Believe podcast, March 9, 2015

The essay that I chose is Respect Yourself,written by David Westwood. This essay is about how to Respect Yourself. I like what he said, that life isn't so complicated when deciding on the very basics of life that need to be taught to our children. We should also learn self respect before we can gain respect for others. I chose it because it was something that I needed. 

I enjoyed reading the essay. I found that you should believe in respect. Because without respect there's no caring and with out caring life is a harsh wasteland. I also learned that we should get in touch with who we really are so we can respect ourself and other.

Claire Haggarty 

I Believe Essay


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The essay I chose is called Old Love, written by Jane R. Martin.  This essay is about how fragile and important love is. It also proves that love is not just for young people and that the young should not take it for granted.  Just because someone is old it does not mean that they give up on it or do not want someone to share their life with anymore, it simply means that they take more risk falling in love at that age.  They may have less time with someone at that age but it is still something to be treasured.  
I chose this essay in particular because I found it to be very moving.  I enjoyed the story she told about her grandpa slowly inching his hand over to hold his companion's hand.  Having two separate grandparents who recently lost their counterparts, I really appreciate how she talks about how precious love is and how equally fragile it is at that age.

Anna Dietz 

I believe


Top of Form is the link to this essay. The essay's title is the Power of Hello. The main point that I took from this essay is that it is always important to make everyone feel like they are someone and always acknowledge another human being. His mother had taught him this from a very young age. This little lesson in life has forever changed him. It also shaped who he is today. The power of hello is very significant and can actually change someone's entire outlook on the day with just a little acknowledgment.

This really moved me from all the essays on that site because such a small little word can carry a significant weight amongst someone. Just by saying this little word of "hello," can really change someone's outlook. You do not know what that person is feeling and just that 5 letter word can make such a significant change on their attitude. A little hello can so such a long way and people do not recognize this. 

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