Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you describe a project you have managed personally or professionally. Examples may include a trip you planned, a new product or service developed for your e




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The mission of the project was to provide the organization with a roadmap to achieve smart, agile and aligned business systems in a reasonable and timely manner that enables all the stakeholders realize the most out of the system. The main objective of the ERP Business Transformation Project was to modernize the enterprise by integrating business processes and systems. This would in turn empower the staff to access information through a single aligned system. The other objective of the project was to improve the service experience of customers. This is because the new system would ensure that the problem of stock outs would be eliminated through proper forecasting of inventory and sales. Another objective of the project was to

The scope of the project defines the specific tasks, critical timelines and the goal of the project. Project scope helps prevent scope creep and unrealistic deadlines which can hamper product success. A clearly defined scope statement can enable the project stakeholders, to align their focus in order to achieve success. The scope of the ERP Business Transformation Project includes enabling Intra-departmental and Inter-departmental integration so as to remove information disparities. It also includes establishing systems like people and business processes in order to achieve integration of information systems and business procedures. The project also sought to define system selection and implementation processes that needed to be replaced or upgraded. The project also sought to split the functional business requirements into two divisions depending on their importance. This was to ensure that significant business functions worked seamlessly.

The need for the project was identified through a composite approach that involved both a top-down and bottom-up approach to build a comprehensive business case for a new ERP system. This involved conducting a root-cause analysis to determine the reason behind the failure of the organization to meet its targets. The process included identifying the needs of the customers and how the implementation of the new system could mitigate future problems. This was achieved through holding lengthy interviews with the various stakeholders and encouraging them to speak freely about their needs and expectations. This includes the project sponsors and other users impacted with the outcomes of the project. A good amount of time was invested in identifying the needs so as to ensure that the project outcomes are clearly defined from the beginning.

There were a number of steps that I established to ensure that the project was a success The first step was to ensure selection of the right people for the job. This involved selecting people with the requisite experience and IT training to match the project requirements. The next step was to get team buy-in. This was achieved through involving the team in developing the project plan. Involved ensuring that the team appreciated the value to the organization so that the project could proceed and be successful. This included reaching an agreement with the team on important the scope of the project and the team member that will be responsible for each component of the scope. It also involved agreeing on the skills required as well as their availability.

The next step was ensuring that I have executive buy-in. It is vital to ensure that the executive sponsoring the project are whole-heartedly invested in it. This is best achieved by ensuring that a specific person of the executive, preferably the CEO takes ownership of the project. Having a sponsor that is a member of the executive can help in knocking down resistance, securing the necessary resources and in managing scope issues. The other step is to hold regular meetings with the team members as communication is critical in maintaining the flow of the project.

The final step involved clearly defining the project scope. A good amount of time was spent on defining the scope before kicking off the project. This included an examination of the various tasks, critical deadlines and objectives of the project. This was vital as it ensured that I could guard against scope creep and timelines which could have impacted the success of the project. A clear definition of the scope also helped keep the team on track and the same end goal.

I measured the success of the project based on a number of factors. This include the project timelines/schedule, scope, budget and stakeholder satisfaction. Project management success is often dependent on whether the project was completed in time. Project scope is a driving force of the project as it entails what needs to be done. The budget variable is basically a measure of the cost of the project. This involves a comparison of the actual spend versus what had been budgeted. The project was successful as the actual spend was close enough to the original estimate. A project is generally deemed unsuccessful if forecasts go up too much as this indicates that the project manager did not stick to the budget. Stakeholder satisfaction is another major measure of project satisfaction. This is basically a measure of the extent to which the project team and client are supportive. It is important to put measures to ensure that the stakeholders are satisfied in order to achieve success with a project.

Project management contributes to project success by ensuring that the project is carried out according to set timelines and budget. This is achieved through proper planning of the project to be implemented. Project management also contributes to the success of a project by guarding against scope creep. Scope creep refers to a series of small changes that may not individually impact the project but may cumulatively have a significant impact on the project. Project management ensures that the project is carried out within its scope. This is important as it can ensure that the project is implemented in a timely manner and on budget.

Project management also contributes to the success of a project by ensuring that the project has a strong closure. This involves an agreement on when the project will be deemed as successfully completed or as having met the technical and functional goals initially set. Without a strong closure, the project can continue to consume resources and run out of budget. Project management ensures that the project team and client agree on all the critical success factors that need to be met before the project can be considered complete.


Campbell, M. (2014). Project Management. New York: Alpha Publishers

Schwalbe, K. (2016). Information technology project management. Brazil: Cengage Learning.

Young, T. (2016). Successful project management, London: Kogan Page.