At the end of this week's discussion about resume revision, please write a mini-SWOC analysis of how things went for you. As usual, organize your analysis with the SWOC headings--Strengths, Weaknesses

From: Student Name

To: Instructor, Writing in the Workplace

Subject: Week two assignment

Date: July 15, 2018

This turned out to be a very challenging yet enlightening one for me. Having plain language as a strength made the experience bearable mainly since the week’s assignments advocate for plain language use. Memo writing and editing, updating my online Canvas presence, and reporting back on both were challenging assignments to say the least.

For clarity, a SWOC format is the best for documenting my experience:

  • Strengths

  • Weaknesses

  • Opportunities

  • Challenges


I always pride myself in my writing prowess thus it came as no surprise that “Plain Language” style proved my leading strength. Actually, it was a welcome relief as the initial draft of the memo project did not reflect this. The draft was technical, and I had the feeling that the message might be lost to some of the audience.

My editor reminded me of the importance of clarity and how the reach of a message hinges on its simplicity. This led me to return to the drawing to create a new memo. Identifying the ‘floor’ of the topic knowledge which serves as the foundation and skeleton of the entire memo was the primary step. After this connecting with the audience was easy as the presentation was universal.


Having obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) breeds perfectionism, and that is not an entirely good thing because it also engenders self-consciousness. Despite my mastery of vocal and written expression I still deal with insecurities that are self-inflicted. For example, it is a constant struggle for me to write in “Plain Language” because the innate need to be the absolute best leads to showboating. The same uncanny need for perfection means that I know better and end up going back to the drawing board to fix something that could have been avoided. The paper’s format was also an area of weakness for me as I had no idea of what a SWOC analysis is and thus I am unsure as to whether the format itself is as should be. But being a business management senior means that I have handled the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis and it appears that the concepts are the same.


Simplicity is key to efficiency and effectiveness in communication, and thus I believe that learning to think and express myself in “Plain Language” was the most significant opportunity from this week’s activities and assignments. The assignments themselves were excellent opportunities for practice and assessment of growth.


There were no significant challenges as the instructions were straight-forward and I possess the core competencies that make for competent writing. I, however, had a considerable problem maintaining a “Plain Language” line of thought and expression for reasons aforementioned. I also have poor editing skills. However, this challenge can provide an opportunity for others that can be work in the capacity of editors.

This week was primarily about growth and advancement as it encompassed the first drafting of all assignments to their actual submission. Not knowing whether my performance was acceptable of lacking added to the tension too. However, all in all, it was a major success, and I believe it served to impart so much wisdom and experience to me.