BY using that canadian westeren bank job add make a resume and cover letter

Job Search Document: Assignment #4 (10%)

The purpose of this assignment is to create a resume that could be used to get you an interview for a job you have seen advertised. Chapters thirteen and fourteen in the textbook provide examples of several kinds of resumes - chronological, functional, and mixed (as well as cover letters for the future).

Your resume will be directed to a real job posting. Look in newspapers, websites, and social media for advertisements of jobs in an organisation that might suit you.

  1. Prepare a resume: using your own information and directing it to a real and specific job posting Maximum length: two pages

*The resume MUST be directed to a specific and real posting in Vancouver (or any Canadian city you see yourself working in the near future)

Submit the resume as well as the advertisement (separate attachment) for the particular job to Turnitin before midnight Thur. Week 5.

Assessment of resume:

Name/Contact information; relevant skills/ clear statements; Education; Previous work experience; Use of headings; Bullet points for each heading; Active/measurable statements; Appearance of document; Reverse chronological order; Consistency in spacing, headings, format, etc.; Grammar;


Due: Thursday of Week 5