CMSC 201 Spring 2016 Project 2 - Recursive Word Search Assignment: Project 2 - Recursive Word Search Due Date: Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 by 8:59 PM...

CMSC 201 – Computer Science I for Majors Page 1 CMSC 201 Spring 2016 Project 2 – Recursive Word Search Assignment: Project 2 – Recursive Word Search Due Date: Wednesday , May 4th , 201 6 by 8:59:59 PM Value: 80 points Project 2 is the second and final project assignment in CMSC 201. As in Project 1, y ou will get the chance to make your own decisions about how you want your program to handle things, what its functions should be called, and how you want to go about designing it. Project 2 will also be substantially longer than any of the single homework assignments you’ve completed so far, so make sure to take the time to plan ahead, and don’t do any “cowboy” coding! Remember to enable Python 3 before you run your programs : scl enable python33 bash Instructions For this assignment, you'll need to follow the class coding standards , a set of rules designed to make your code clear and readable. The class coding standards are on Bl ackboard under “Course Documents” in a file titled “CMSC 201 - Python Coding Standards .” You should be commenting your code, and using constants in your code (not magic numbers or strings). You should also have a function header comment for every function that is not main() ! Re -read the coding standards! You will lose major points if you do not following the 201 coding standards. A very important piece of following the coding standards is writing a complete file header comment block . Make sure that your file has a comment block at the top (see the coding standards document for an example). NOTE: Your filename for this project must be proj NOTE: You must use main() in your file . CMSC 201 – Computer Science I for Majors Page 2 Details The purpose of this assignment is to giv e you practice with recursion, using two -dimensional lists , and to do some file handling where it's necessary to detect the end of the file or end of the list . You'll also be getting some experience with using datasets of a variable size. As always, you should continue to prac tice detailed project design (prior to coding!) and good implementation techniques like incremental programming. A popular form of puzzle is known as the "word search". Besides being good entertainment when waiting at the airport or at the doctor's office , this type of puzzle is often used to help young children build vocabulary and practice spelling. A word search is a 2 -dimensional grid or matrix of letters which contains "hidden words". The person working the puzzle is given a list of words that are hi dden in the matrix and is asked to locate and circle them. The fun part is that the words may appear horizontally, vertically or diagonally in the grid.

Horizontal words may be written left -to -right or right -to -left. Vertically oriented words may be writte n top -down or bottom -up. Similarly for diagonally oriented words. Puzzles will be any size but they will always be rectangular. Here's a si mple word search puzzle for you. (The grid below is 12 x 12 .) G J T P B A V K U V L V M N Q H S G M N T C E E Y H I J S G Q E N Y C W G S K M G H C B M U T H R A T V M N V D G V U T E P G U E A B P W Q R T T J C I D D R Q T E E C U P C I S E N G B U O B P S J C I V N F O U N N M P R O J E C T R R A M O H Q T P P D S H A P G C O W U K Q E G I J M S CMSC 201 – Computer Science I for Majors Page 3 Here is a simple word list for the a bove word search puzzle : COMPUTER SCRAM COURSE LECTURE PROGRAMMING PROJECT SCIENCE STUDENT UMBC Some additional requirements: 1. The game board may be of any size – as long as it is rectangular . 2. The game board will consist of letters separated by spaces. 3. There can be any number of words on the list ( there will always be at least one word, however). For your output: 4. If a word is not in the puzzle, the user should be notified. 5. If a word is in the puzzle, the starting coordinate should be shown, as well as the direction that the word is going base d on the direction listed below. (See the sample output for some ex amples.) Diagon ally (up and left) Up Diagonally (up and right) Backwards (left) WORD STARTS HERE Right Diagonally (down and left) Down Diagonally (down and right) 6. You must use recursion for the search function that looks for the word in the puzzle . Failure to use recursion will result in a significantly reduced grade. CMSC 201 – Computer Science I for Majors Page 4 Sample Output – General Gameplay Here is some sample output of a game being played, with the user input in blue. bash -4.1$ python Welcome to the W ord Search For this, you will import two files: 1. The puzzle board, and 2.

The word list. What is the puzzle file would like to import?: p.txt What is the word list file you would like to import?: w.txt The word COMPUTER starts in 11 , 0 and goes up The w ord SCRAM does not appear in the puzzle. The word COURSE starts in 6 , 11 and goes diagonally down and left The word LECTURE starts in 0 , 10 and goes down The word PROGRAMMING starts in 10 , 10 and goes diagonally up and left The word PROJECT starts in 9 , 1 and goes right The word SCIENCE starts in 8 , 1 and goes diagonally up and right The word STUDENT starts in 3 , 1 and goes diagonally down and right The word UMBC starts in 3 , 9 and goes backwards left CMSC 201 – Computer Science I for Majors Page 5 Submitting Once your Project 2 is complete, it is time to turn it in with the submit command. Don’t forget to complete the header block comment for your file! Make sure that you updated the header block’s file name and description. You must be logged into your GL account, and you must be in the same directory as the Project 2 file . To double check this, you can type ls . linux1[3 ]% ls proj linux1 [4]% █ To submit your files, we use the submit command, where the class is cs201 , and the assignment is PROJ 2. Type in (all on one line) submit cs201 PROJ 2 proj and press enter. linux 1[4]% submit cs201 PROJ 2 proj Submitting proj linux1 [5]% █ If you don’t get a confirmation like the one above, check that you have not made any typos or errors in the command. You can double -check that your file was submitted by using the submitls command. Type in submitls cs201 PROJ 2 and hit enter. And you’re done!