Assignment 2: Proposal for Organizational Learning IssuesDue Week 8 and worth 300 pointsUsing the information from Assignment 1 and the supporting documents, you must create a proposal for your CEO ex

Running head: resistance risk mitigation interven`tion table 0

Resistance Risk Mitigation Intervention Table


Intervention Technique


1. Challenge in Culture

The people might fear the change due to the issue of loss of status. The senior, middle managers, and team leaders might be of the view that the change at the organization will deprive them of their authority and line of power (Maag, 2000). It will become difficult for them to lead the team positively to complete the work promptly.

There will be proper training for all the team individuals regarding this fear. The training will provide awareness to the individuals that the change will only enhance interaction between all the employees and management (Meyer & Stensaker, 2007).

As the individuals are afraid of the loss of status due to the change, the training will aware them that the change will enhance collaboration and interaction between them leading to better knowledge and task information sharing. It will become much easier for the management to direct and lead the employees and their respect and authority will sustain at the same time.

2. Psychological Learning Threat

The individuals might start doubting their capabilities. They might start self-doubting and undermine their personal growth and development. The individuals might fear that if they fail to adopt the change positively, then the company might consider regarding firing them (Michie et al., 2008).

The company will be sharing a plan for the team to adopt the change. The plan will provide certain confidence to the team members that they need to adopt the change periodically after clearly understating and training. There is no rush in adopting the change.

As the individuals are psychologically afraid that whether they might be able to adopt the change or not; therefore, a change plan will provide them certain confidence regarding the optimum way of adopting change. They will be aware of the change benefits for them (Rahim & Burrell, 2010). Also, they will realize that the company has a proper plan for implementing changes at the organization that will remove their psychological fears.

3. Free Flow of Knowledge Threat

The leading individuals might fear that the change at the organization, i.e., the free flow of knowledge will empower lower individuals leading to weakening their positions. The middle management might feel that their position will be no more required by the organization by strengthening the lower employees.

The company will make its organizational structure strong enough that no individual will get encouragement for violating the hierarchy (Wooding, 2013). All the individuals will have to report their supervisors for any work performed. Also, the supervisors will be responsible for the appraisal of their team members.

As the organizational change is giving fear of loss of respect and worst destination to the supervisors and leading team members; therefore, this intervention technique will empower the supervisors and leaders up to maximum capability. The organizational purpose of knowledge sharing will certainly enhance within the departments as the team leaders might not hesitate to share their knowledge with junior team members due to no threat (Michie et al., 2008). Also, the junior team members will also share all of their suggestions with senior members for ensuring their efficient performance.

4. Workforce Commitment to transition

It is much possible that the employees might adopt the change at the organization; however, they do not make a certain effort for achieving its objectives due to unavailability of any benefits (Rahim & Burrell, 2010). The might adopt the change for the happiness of higher management only.

To improve commitment of the team members towards the organizational change, the company will introduce a regular reward system for the employees (Maag, 2000). For example, as there is a change of continuous development at the organization; therefore, the company will reward the employees over presenting any efficient solution or enhancing their capabilities.

The reward system will ensure the employees that the company is acknowledging them for their efforts. The company is providing a certain benefit to them for increasing their capabilities in the best interest of their personal and professional development. The reward system will certainly enhance the commitment of the employees towards the change at the organization.

5. Knowledge Issue of recipients

There is a certain chance that the individuals might develop resistance to comprehending the absorbed knowledge into practical due to lessening annual appraisal and reward system (Meyer & Stensekar, 2007). The internal competitiveness between functional departments could be a possible reason for the same.

The company will conduct two efforts in the same regard. The company will develop and sustain transparent reward and recognition system at the organization (Michie et al., 2008). Also, the company will set up different criteria of annual appraisal based on the team performance as compared to the individuals' performance.

As the company is dealing with engineering products where team performance carries more significance as compared to the individual performance. Therefore, the reward of employees based on their functional team performance will motivate them to strengthen their weak employees and making a collaborative effort for achieving functional team tasks.


Maag, J. (2000). Managing Resistance. Intervention In School And Clinic35(3), 131-140. doi: 10.1177/105345120003500301

Meyer, C., & Stensaker, I. (2007). Managing Multiple Change Processes: Challenges and Intervention Techniques. Academy Of Management Proceedings2007(1), 1-6. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2007.26523210

Michie, S., Johnston, M., Francis, J., Hardeman, W., & Eccles, M. (2008). From Theory to Intervention: Mapping Theoretically Derived Behavioral Determinants to Behaviour Change Techniques. Applied Psychology57(4), 660-680. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2008.00341.x

Rahim, E., & Burrell, D. (2010). A Case Study Analysis of Change Management Intervention and the Nature and Nuances of Resistance to Change in a Complex Organization. The International Journal Of Knowledge, Culture, And Change Management: Annual Review10(4), 19-36. doi: 10.18848/1447-9524/cgp/v10i04/49958

Wooding, S. (2013). A Psychodynamic Approach to Change Resistance. Change Management: An International Journal12(1), 17-22. doi: 10.18848/2327-798x/cgp/v12i01/50769