Assignment 2: Proposal for Organizational Learning IssuesDue Week 8 and worth 300 pointsUsing the information from Assignment 1 and the supporting documents, you must create a proposal for your CEO ex

Running head: MEMORANDUM TO CEO 0

Memorandum to CEO


To: Chief Executive Officer

From: Vice President of Human Resources


Date: July 30, 2018

Re: Organizational Learning Issues

Organizational Issues

Organizational learning in the company is faced with myriad challenges. One of the key challenges is the lack of employee involvement in decision making. Decisions are mainly made by the managers without the employees been involved (Maddalena, 2007). Resistance becomes high since the employees were not involved in the process. It also makes the employees feel that they are not valued.

Organizational learning is ineffective in the organization because there is no plan for training of new employees. The new employees do not go through an orientation and training process to put them on the same level as the other employees (Gorran Farkas, 2013). Therefore, they will have knowledge gaps when it comes to the real work in the organization

Lastly, organizational learning is ineffective because there is no continuous development of the employee' skills. Training in an organization is expected to be continuous so that the employees can get the new knowledge they can use to improve their services (Gorran Farkas, 2013). However, it is not the case in the organization.

Barriers to Organizational Learning

Organizational learning in the company is misguided by the belief that the employees are incompetent. The management brings experts from outside to train the employees, yet there are some of them who knowledgeable on the targeted areas. Failure to use the employe’s results to lack of motivation when the training is done.

Another barrier is the individual approach to tasks rather than teamwork. Learning does not work in the organization because employees do tasks on their own instead of doing the tasks in teams. When doing tasks in teams, it becomes easy to learn from one another (Maddalena, 2007). Therefore, they will have knowledge gaps when it comes to the real work in the organization.

The wrong approach to problems is another barrier to organizational learning. Problems are always a good opportunity of learning. However, in the organization, the focus is usually solving the problem rather than getting the cause of the problem. Learning fails to happen because the employees are not involved in the process (Gorran Farkas, 2013). This further makes the employees feel that there is no transparency in the organization. The management would have been transparent if it involved the employees in solving the problem, but it is never the case.


The leadership approach in the organization should change from a top-down to a bottom-up approach. The employees need to be involved in the decision-making process since they are the implementers of the decisions. The bottom-up approach will motivate the employees since they will feel that their input and presence in the organization is valued. It will also increase trust between the employees and the management.

A team spirit needs to be created in the organization so that the employees can learn to carry out tasks in teams. When doing tasks in teams, learning becomes easy. The level of motivation is also high when working in teams. The friction between the management and the employees will also be addressed. Problems will also become learning opportunities.

Based on the outcomes of the first research I did, I would like to request permission to carry out future researchers in the organization. The research is crucial for continuous development and growth of the organization at large.


Gorran Farkas, M. (2013). Building and sustaining a culture of assessment: best practices for change leadership. Reference Services Review41(1), 13-31. doi: 10.1108/00907321311300857

Maddalena, V. (2007). A practical approach to ethical decision‐making. Leadership In Health Services20(2), 71-75. doi: 10.1108/17511870710745402