Assignment 2: Proposal for Organizational Learning IssuesDue Week 8 and worth 300 pointsUsing the information from Assignment 1 and the supporting documents, you must create a proposal for your CEO ex


Organizational Learning Management

1. Assess the organization’s culture as it relates to shared knowledge, then specify the significant issue(s) that you discovered with the culture. Determine the disconnect you observed between the culture and organizational learning using three (3) of the five (5) mystifications. Support your response with at least one (1) example of each selected mystification within the organization.

In this study, we will be taking an engineering products manufacturing company "Efficient Engineering" into account. The company develops certain engineering products required in for the operation of various industries. The company has a huge market as they are exporting their products to foreign countries too. The company owns a large pool of employees that are coming from diverse backgrounds. The lack of knowledge sharing system in the organization is the reason due to which the employees are not able to perform their duties efficiently. It is much necessary for the management to identify the need for the knowledge sharing amongst the employees and implementation of the same for ensuring maximum productivity.

The organization is currently facing the biggest obstacle in the form of inappropriate bonding between the management and employees. The employees lack ownership towards the company as all the decisions at the company are made by the management as per their own will. The employees are never comfortable with the changes proposed by the management without consulting employees. The employees often cause resistance towards the changes made by the management (Boone, 2014). The unacceptance of change by the employees adversely affects the productivity of employees. For example, as the management implements the decision without consulting the employees at the organization, the employees resist the change due to lack of ownership.

The organization does not have any proper training system for the new recruitments at the organization. The proper training and overview of the new environment are significant, even if the new recruitments are the experts in their field. Such training enables the new employee to understand the environment and culture of the organization supportive in developing a positive relationship with the current manpower of the organization (Gynawali & Stewart, 2003). This lead towards maximum productivity from the employees due to their working as a team. For example, if the new hiring unknowingly makes use of previous methods for resolving a particular problem at the organization that is not an acceptable method at this organization, then this approach will aggravate all the employees at the organization towards new employees affecting the overall atmosphere of the organization (Chang, Tsai & Tsai, 2011).

Last mystification existing at the organization is that there is no proper program for continuous development of the employees. It is much significant to provide development training to the employees for ensuring higher motivation and productivity level from them. The lack of such a program affects the moral level of the employees in an adverse manner affecting the overall productivity of the organization (Huysman, 2000). For example, if the employee is unable to perform any particular work at the organization and the management directs this work to any other employee instead of providing training to the previous employee, then it will shatter the morale, motivation, and dedication level of the previous employee.

2. Give your opinion on the current Organizational Learning Mechanism(s) (OLMs) that hinder organizational learning. Support your response with one (1) example of training or learning initiative (e.g., sharing knowledge, training programs, working as a team, experiences, procedures, processes, etc.) and the outcome when it was applied to the organization.

As per the overview of the organization, it is much clear that the biggest reasons creating obstacle towards the organizational learning comprise of the culture and learning mechanisms at the organization. The current learning mechanism at the organization is making no positive impact on the enthusiasm, devotion, and morale level of the employees. The employees have no or less loyalty towards the organization, as the organization is not paying attention towards the development of their skills and capabilities (Purana, & Maciejovsky, 2017). The employees are not productive enough for the organization due to the lack of proper knowledge sharing system, procedures, involvement in the decision-making process, etc. The organization is not encouraging the employees for working as a team resulting in weak and individual performance by the employees.

The initiation of a knowledge sharing system will develop ownership amongst the employees as they will start to share their concerns and suggestions with the organizational management. This will certainly improve the motivation, dedication, and moral level of the employees up to a significant level. The employees will start making a collaborative effort instead of individual effort leading towards higher productivity for the organization (Boone, 2014). For example, any positive suggestion by the field employee for improvement in the process will provide benefit to all the employees and organization. The employees will be able to perform the same work more easily, and the organization will be able to save their operational cost. The moral level of the employees will also raise due to acceptance of their concerns and suggestion for bringing betterment to the organization.

3. Determine which one (1) of the following OLMs is suitable for replacing the identified OLM(s) that hinder organizational learning as a corrective action to facilitate the transition from individual to organizational learning: Off-line/Internal, On-line/Internal, Off-line/External or On-line/External. Justify your selection.

The online/Internal method is the best option available for the organization to replace the current organizational learning mechanism. As the organization is initiating this process for the first time; therefore, it is imperative to take views from the employees regarding current procedures and processes. As the employees are working in the same environment for a long time; therefore, they will certainly provide some effective ideas for the improvement of the organization (Chang, Tsai & Tsai, 2011). If the organization prefers to hire an external expert that will be passing similar modifications, then it will decline the moral level of the employees even further. After developing a positive atmosphere and raising the moral level of the employees, the organization can consider contracting any external party in the second phase. This organizational learning mechanism will be beneficial for working and learning at the organization. The online experimentation will also become possible through this approach, as the employees will be able to carry out online experimentation of their ideas and suggestions for concluding implementation (Huysman, 2000). The learning pace of all the employee vary, and this OLM will not force them to learn new things faster than their pace. The implementation of the ideas and suggestions will become easy due to the availability of evidence regarding its effectiveness from the experimentation.

4. Evaluate the norms of the organization’s learning culture to determine the source(s) that currently prevent productive learning by applying two (2) of the following norms: inquiry, issue orientation, transparency, integrity or accountability. Provide at least one (1) example of each of the selected norms’ manifestation within the organization in your evaluation.

The online/Internal method is the best option available for the organization to replace the current organizational learning mechanism. As the organization is initiating this process for the first time; therefore, it is imperative to take views from the employees regarding current procedures and processes. As the employees are working in the same environment for a long time; therefore, they will certainly provide some effective ideas for the improvement of the organization (Gynawali & Stewart, 2003). If the organization prefers to hire an external expert that will be passing similar modifications, then it will decline the moral level of the employees even further. After developing a positive atmosphere and raising the moral level of the employees, the organization can consider contracting any external party in the second phase. This organizational learning mechanism will be beneficial for working and learning at the organization. The online experimentation will also become possible through this approach, as the employees will be able to carry out online experimentation of their ideas and suggestions for concluding implementation (Puranam & Maciejovsky, 2017). The learning pace of all the employee vary, and this OLM will not force them to learn new things faster than their pace. The implementation of the ideas and suggestions will become easy due to the availability of evidence regarding its effectiveness from the experimentation.


Boone, S. (2014). Using Organizational Learning to Increase Operational and Conceptual Mental Models Within Professional Learning Communities. Journal Of Psychological Issues In Organizational Culture5(3), 85-99. doi: 10.1002/jpoc.21152

Chang, C., Tsai, M., & Tsai, M. (2011). The Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Organizational Commitments of Organizational Members Influence the Effects of Organizational Learning. International Journal Of Trade, Economics, And Finance, 61-66. doi: 10.7763/ijtef.2011.v2.79

Gnyawali, D., & Stewart, A. (2003). A Contingency Perspective on Organizational Learning: Integrating Environmental Context, Organizational Learning Processes, and Types of Learning. Management Learning34(1), 63-89. doi: 10.1177/1350507603034001131

Huysman, M. (2000). An organizational learning approach to the learning organization. European Journal Of Work And Organizational Psychology9(2), 133-145. doi: 10.1080/135943200397905

Puranam, P., & Maciejovsky, B. (2017). Organizational Structure and Organizational Learning. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2963250