This paper only needs to be 1-2 pages (1 full page at a minimum), and you need to have a minimum of 4 responses under each aspect (i.e. 4 under each heading: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities

Krystle C

HAS 3104-18 Fall 0W61

September 10, 2018

Page 1


There are so many strengths that I have but my main strengths that will really help me through my career journey would be my ability to work well as a team, the compassion that I bring to everything that I do, my communication skills, and my ability to take ownership for my actions. I currently am in a leadership role and I truly believe that what makes me better than my peers are the rapport I build with my employees and I strongly believe that people quit people not companies. The achievements that I am most proud of in my life would have to be the fact that I’m continuing my education and I haven’t let anything get in the way of that. I show my team that I am passionate about being a leader because I am willing to fight for them when necessary in doing so I deem myself to them as trustworthy. Communication is key in any relationship whether it is personal, or work related making sure that important information is provided to my team so that they are successful is critical not only to their success, but to mine.


Some areas of opportunity that I feel I need to work on so that they don’t hold me back in the future when searching for new positions would be being too critical of myself, being unfamiliar with the latest software since I’m not a techy type of person, networking, and wearing my emotions on my sleeve. As a current leader I really am tough on myself when I’m not able to make things happen for the betterment of my team, or if It’s a task I’m not too good at doing