For these assignments, you will be required to complete the worksheets according to McDill’s treatment of the structural diagram in 12 Essential Skills of Great Preaching. Each worksheet focuses on


The purpose of this exercise is to word the sermon divisions clearly to state the teachings of text on its subject

Statements Text:

  • Work from the structural diagram and observations.

  • Follow the path of the Text to Sermon statements.

  • Search for the writer’s treatment of his subject.

  • Word division statements as complete sentences.

  • Make sure division statements follow the key word.

  • Make each division statement distinct from others.

Write the text idea as a complete past-tense sentence with subject/modifier.

Write the sermon idea as a complete present-tense sentence with subject/modifier.

Write the interrogative as a complete sentence with subject/modifier.

Write the transition as a complete sentence with subject modifier and key word.

List the predicates you have discovered in the text writer’s treatment of his subject.

Write division statements to reflect the writer’s treatment of his subject and address the contemporary hearer.






12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching / Wayne McDill / 2006 / B&H Used by Permission