I attached the part1 and part2 of the proposalPart 3: Proposal Presentation :Your presentation will include:· A title slide that includes your name and the title of the proposal· Definition of t

Internship Program Proposal Evaluation

Xiaoyu Xu

BA 2196

The proposal targets to develop online application for training the interns. The source materials that justifies the merits of the application are as listed below.

Coleman, J, (2016). 6 ways to make the most of your internship. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2016/07/6-ways-to-make-the-most-of-your-internship

The article shows the high demand of the internship programs as around 75% of the college students at some point work at an internship. The programs are of significant value in facilitating the development of skills and knowledge in the particular fields or profession. It can be challenging for the students to secure internships especially with the target international companies due to limitation of opportunities. The most appropriate strategy to secure an internship and being successful in the program is through the following. Firstly, the candidate should show relentless punctuality, complete each of the tasks with excellence and further taking on more work without being asked. Most importantly, is to remain resourceful.

The article helps to justify the need for the online application as it helps to expand the internship opportunities. Additionally, it helps to understand the key metric functionality that it should fulfil for the internship to be a success.

Hsu, J. (2017). Enterprise Mobility: Why the worl’s top companies are building mobile apps for their own employees. CitrusBits. https://citrusbits.com/enterprise-mobility-worlds-top-companies-building-mobile-apps-employees/

Hsu targets to analyse the development of the mobile applications for the employees. The key reasons that the companies seeks to establish the applications is to achieve greater returns on investment, increase the level of productivity, empower the workers in the field, leverage big data and further develop consistent user experience. The mobile application apps takes a new trend with attributes like catchy app name, marketing strategy and a freemium pricing. The objective of the application to support workflow and thus it is customized for the business.

The source material is of relevance in evaluation why companies need the Enterprise Mobile Applications for the employees. Interns are a form of employee and thus the material helps to understand the value that the proposed application holds. The article is objective and of significant value in the proposal in ensuring the needs of the organizations are adequately met as they definitely identified and explained.

Panepinto, J. (2014). The productivity payoff of mobile Apps at work. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2014/11/the-productivity-payoff-of-mobile-apps-at-work

The article is based on the analysis of the application of the enterprise mobile Apps. It is clear that in 2014 the downloads for the enterprise Apps accounted to around 5 billion which is an indication of the rapid growth in the use of the application. The promise of the applications is high level of productivity which is approximated to increase by 40%. Four principles that help determine the value of the Application includes the control, consistency, creativity, credibility and consistency. Through enhancement of the attributes it is assuring that the enterprise mobile Apps are important.

The internship mobile App is a form of an enterprise app. Through the analysis of the impact of the enterprise mobile Apps it creates insight on the value of the application and its impact in boosting the productivity of the interns in the work environment. Due to rapid increase of the enterprise mobile Apps the proposed App will also be of relevance in the industry.

MicroStrategy Inc. US. (2017). What makes an enterprise mobile App great: Lessons Learned from the consumer market. https://www.microstrategy.com/getmedia/b815c884-c6fd-4c5a-9478-cc771ab9e98f/What-Makes-an-Enterprise-Mobile-App-Great.pdf

The objective of the US micro strategy in the article is to identify the important characteristics of an enterprise app. The author suggests that three core characteristics of the app influence the success of the App. Firstly, is the utility, whereby the Enterprise Mobile Apps (EMAs) should deliver specialized and role specific services which keeps the users efficient and productive. Secondly, the EMAs should ensure user satisfaction by exceeding user’s expectation in performance. Finally, the EMAs should be regularly updated with new features. It is important that the EMAs should conform to the characteristics for them to be termed successful.

The material is resourceful in offering guidance on the nature that the proposed App should conform. It is important that the online internship app to offer high level utility, second is to ensure user satisfaction and finally to ensure development and effective management of the application.

Research Study through Questionnaires

Research will be conducted to evaluate the acceptability of the proposed application and evaluate the important elements that the App should feature. In this regard, the target respondents to aid in information gathering include the employers, intern candidates and some employees. The data collection strategies will use questionnaires and apply purposive random sampling. The information will be analysed and summarized to deduce insightful information on the demand of the application, the desired features of the Apps, the shortcomings and the expectations for the application.

The research approach is of significant value in facilitation of the design of the proposal it helps to offer insight on the nature of the Online Training Internship Application. The features and the acceptability of the app will be easy to gauge and thus giving a go ahead on whether to execute the proposal or the areas to make some particular adjustments. The source is subject to bias but the questions will be streamlined to ensure that it is subjective.