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Porter 4

Ann Porter

Professor Belz

English 1301

August 25, 2018

Comparison/Contrast Body Paragraph Samples

One major difference between my sister and I is our personality. We were born only ten months apart, but we are complete opposites. My mother claims I started talking before I could even say words. My personality is outgoing and I am talking from the time I get up, until the time I go to sleep. My job is perfect for my extraverted character since I am a teacher. I love being around others and I am very sociable. In contrast, my sister is very shy. She does not enjoy being around other people, but this is particularly true in the case of being in front of large groups. Several hours can go by without her speaking a word. My mother claims she did not speak for the first three years of her life. My sister’s job is well suited for her introverted personality since she is a nurse. She spends most of her time listening to others and writing down their symptoms. Even though she does speak to her patients, she usually does it on a one to one basis. If she were asked to speak in front of a group, she would emphatically say “no” and avoid it. Overall, this stark difference between us makes it clear that we are opposite in our basic natures.

Despite our difference in personality, my sister and I share the same strong feelings of love for our family. We both have a deep bond with our mother and brother, and we could not imagine living in a family where people do not care for one another. The closeness we all feel is very powerful and we lend support to each other. One example of the love we feel for our family is in the way we all agree on financial concerns and do not disagree about important issues. When our grandfather passed away and left some land to all three of his grandchildren (my brother, my sister, and I), we all agreed to sign over the land to my sister since she cared for our grandfather for the last nine years of his life. This is in contrast to many siblings who fight over inheritance issues. Money and greed can make family members turn on one another, but my sister and I love our family without conditions. Overall, my sister and I share the same type of love for our family members, and this is a welcome similarity between us.


The above two BODY paragraphs reflect a comparison/contrast writing strategy. In a topic sentence for this type of writing, you must include three items: 1) a transitional word or phrase; 2) BOTH subjects being compared; and 3) the specific point of comparison [please note – each of these three items is worth 5 points apiece]. The other rule associated with this type of writing is: “Whatever you say about subject A, you must include an equal and corresponding point about subject B.” In this way then, you need to be sure to develop both subjects equally in your paragraphs. You need to make sure to provide specific details as you make your comparison and you need to make sure your statements support your specific point of comparison in the topic sentence.

SAMPLE INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH FOR ESSAY 2 (three points of ‘difference’):

Of all the people I know in the world, my sister is the person who is completely different from me. In fact, I find it difficult to see us as having any similarities. We were born only ten months apart, so many people would think we might be like twins. Overall though, my sister and I are completely different in personality, appearance, and attitude towards school.

[Please note: Your Essay 2 comparison paper must include an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph per the Essay Writing Guidelines. I have provided a few paragraphs above to illustrate comparison strategies (i.e. the above paragraphs are not a full essay).