see attached.


Fall 2018

Write a well developed comparison/contrast paper – topic

-– compare yourself to one of your relatives per the in class directions (i.e. review the comparison sample handout and read this essay hand-out carefully). Length of paper: 750-1,000 typed words -- courier new 12 point font, double-spaced. You may focus on differences and/or similarities. Per the essay 2 comparison sample handout, it is important to develop subject A and subject B equally. For this assignment, it is appropriate to utilize first person, but try to avoid beginning each sentence with “I” to make your writing stronger. Each paragraph should include specific examples to support your assertions. Students need to narrow their topics for the entire essay to two or three main points of comparison. Be sure to remember that you are developing a “single” point of comparison per each body paragraph – do not merely list several points of comparison. An example of a single point of comparison would be the following: personality, career choice, appearance, religious preference, hobbies, musical preference, educational background, educational choices, lifestyle choices, etc. – present only ONE point of comparison in each topic sentence that you explain in full detail in your comparison body paragraph. You will be graded on the strength of your topic sentences. Proofread each topic sentence to verify you have included a transitional word or phrase, the specific point of comparison, and the two subjects being compared (for this paper, the two subjects are you and your chosen relative). Also, make an effort to incorporate transitional words or phrases throughout your essay which indicate comparison. You will also be graded on whether you demonstrate equal development of both subjects. Be sure to use MLA Style format and proofread carefully for grammar errors. Do not use outside sources or information to complete this assignment – the goal of this paper is to write a comparison paper based on your own original ideas. Plagiarism software will be used to check student papers -- plagiarized papers will receive a grade of “zero”. To receive full credit for this assignment, you need to post the peer review, the completed ‘self review’, a rough draft, both Tutor Center “marked drafts” (HCC/Upswing and mywritinglab/Pearson), and the final draft saved in Microsoft Word format. Please Note: Post each component in the appropriate MyWritingLab Assignment Dropboxes per the designated deadlines. Be mindful of due dates/times for the various components of this essay.

If you have any questions about this assignment, please email me via HCC Canvas email. Do NOT use my HCC email address.

Good luck!

Professor Belz

Important Due Dates for Essay 2 Assignment:

  • Partial Rough Draft ((introduction paragraph of 3-5 sentences and first body paragraph of 8-12 sentences) needs to be posted by midnight on MONDAY, 10-22-18.

  • Rough Draft (750 typed words) needs to be posted by midnight on Monday, 10-29-18.

  • Be sure to send your rough draft of essay 2 to both tutors no later than Monday, 10-29-18.

  • Self Review needs to be posted by midnight on Monday, 10/29/18

  • Peer Review needs to be posted by midnight on Monday, 11/5/18

  • Both Tutor Marked Drafts need to be posted by midnight on Monday, 11/5/18

  • Final Draft needs to be posted by midnight on Monday, 11/26/18

Helpful Reminders:


**Professor Belz will send rough drafts of essay 2 to both partners via email based on the time/date of submission of RD2 to assign peer review work. In other words, the first person to submit a rough draft of essay 2 will be assigned to work with the next person who submits his or her rough draft of essay 2 in the mywritinglab assignment dropbox. You may wish to post your rough draft earlier than the posted deadline so you can get a head start on the peer review work.

Please note – you need to be courteous and email your partner his or her “marked” draft as soon as possible. Be mindful of the deadlines for peer reviews since it impacts another student’s work. With this in mind, please follow the suggested schedule posted on the class calendar (and above) in order to keep up with these due dates. You need to allow your partner time to mark your draft and return it to you before the designated deadline.

Self Review Reminder:

Complete the self review of your essay by following the directions exactly as they are described in the self review handout. Cut and paste the questions underneath your rough draft and then type out answers to the questions. Then you need to thoroughly ‘mark’ your rough draft using bold font, underlining, placing asterisks, and counting sentences (i.e. follow the exact ‘track changes’ instructions to mark the draft for the specific items as indicated). Your Self Review will show all track changes ‘marked’ areas AND include the questions and answers portion of the instructions (i.e. there are two major parts of this assignment).

Tutor Marked Drafts Reminder:

*You will be submitting your rough draft of essay 2 to both tutoring services no later than midnight on the date the RD2 is due in the assignment dropbox in mywritinglab. You then need to retrieve both tutor marked drafts 24-48 hours after submission—review tutor drafts and revise essay accordingly. Save both drafts as Word documents and submit them for credit in the mywritinglab designated dropboxes. If students do not submit a tutor marked draft, 10 points per each missing tutor draft will be deducted from the final grade for the essay.