Could you write 2 pages for self-evaluation? I gave a speech about fasting in some religions.

Fasting in some religions

Many people all over the world fast, but not everyone needs to fast. What is fasting? Fasting is essentially giving up food or something else for a period of time in order to focus your thoughts on God. Although the reason for fasting is for spiritual motivation and to obey God’s command, also it has massive health benefits.

-------Fasting, from a spiritual standpoint, is a human relationship with God. Fasting is mentioned in some religions. It is commanded by God to inspect ourselves. Fasting is starting from the soul to the demand of the body, moving together in one direction to the love of God, and the enjoyment of his emotion.

---------Fasting is one of the most historical habits in some religions. It is practiced in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Fasting is one of the oldest legislation imposed on religion. Most religions in the world promote fasting make it a common denominator of interfaith worship.

In Islam: There is one type of fasting which is called Ramadan. It is 30 consecutive days to fast from sunset to sunrise which is only about ten percent of the entire year. In Islam fasting to abstain from foods, drinks, and to stay away from desires. Many people would realize that fasting is an achievable goal to fast from sunset to sunrise.

In Christianity: The purpose of fasting is for the purity of the heart, or the preview of God who accepts our love. Therefore, when people do something to worship God, they should make certain that they are doing it for God and not for a demonstration to the people around them.

In Judaism There are two types of fasting on the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur and Tisha B’Av. Fasting is one of the oldest Jewish legislation after the sacrificing ceremony in the Temple. Fasting is abstinence from food, drink, and intercourse.

-------- Also, fasting has vast health benefits proven through practical research. It reduces cholesterol levels, helps to lose weight, controls diabetes levels and reduces blood pressure. According to Mitch Leslie, a writer about cell biology and immunology for Science Magazine, “a substantial number of people followed the fasting diet.” However, Kevin Loria indicates that “researchers have found that after about six weeks people start to enter a danger zone.” Of course, there are exceptions on fasting and a physician should be consulted before trying it the first time unless obligated by faith practice.

----------In the end, the misconceptions for some people about fasting are that we focus on the spiritual side, more than the health and moral aspect. Although that is true, fasting also has a significant and positive effect on the people. People should fast to improve their health. Fasting is good because it eliminates toxins from the body, reduces blood sugars, and reduces fat. In addition, fasting promotes healthy eating habits and strengthens the immune system.

Clay, J. (2013, January 1). In Fasting in Abrahamic Faiths. Retrieved October 16, 2018, from

Khan, M. (2015, June 2). Ramadan fasts: Four levels of spirituality. In The Huffington

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Lesli, M. (2017, February). Five-Day fasting diet could fight disease, slow aging. In science . Retrieved from

Loria, K. (2013, October 13). Fasting gives us longer life, but it goes against everything we think of as healthy. In Alert science . Retrieved from