Write an email that would correspond to one of the situations below1. Imagining that you are a human resources manager, write an email to all those who report to you informing them that late arriv

Assignment # 3: Challenging Messages

As writers of messages, we need to consider also the context of in house messaging (within the organization) and out of house messaging (to clients/businesses or service providers outside the organization and to other organizations).

Tone is important; in a sense, like letters, emails take on a different tone (attitude of writer to reader) depending on the situation of sender and receiver and the type of relationship between them.

The task:

Write an email that would correspond to one of the situations below

  1. Imagining that you are a human resources manager, write an email to all those who report to you informing them that late arrivals, long lunches, and overly casual workplace clothes and behavior will no longer be tolerated.

  2. Imagining that you are a manager of a concert hall, write an email to a service provider who rents equipment and musical instruments complaining that a grand piano was damaged en route to the auditorium. The concert will be held in seven days and you must have a new piano sent.

Assignment must include: subject heading, salutation, closing, email signature.

Evaluation: The assignment is out of 10 marks.

-Effective indirect/direct approach

-clearly states the issue

-provides reasons/ additional information

-focuses/ closes on a positive note

-Grammar, spelling, organization, flow, presentation/ format