see attached below.

 Journal 8 based on Jackson Due 11-5-18

Complete Journal 8-- type a 300 word response to Shirley Jackson's short story entitled "The Lottery." Journal 8 Topic Focus: reader response to Jackson story -- choose a topic on the Questions for Analyzing Fiction handout. This journal needs to be double-spaced, typed in courier new 12 point font, and must be formatted in MLA style format. Do not use ANY outside sources or information from the Internet to complete your journal. You also need to read the Journal Writing Guidelines Handout BEFORE you type your journal to fully understand how it will be graded and the type of topics you need to write. Refer to the MLA Style Sample Setup handout posted in the mywritinglab Document Sharing list before you type your journal assignment to ensure you are properly formatting your document.

Once you have completed your assignment, save it with the following file name:

Your last name Your first name Journal 8 16409

Example for a student named Ann Porter:

Porter Ann Journal 8 16409

Be sure to 'attach' your Word file in the designated mywritinglab assignment dropbox since part of your grade is your formatting and how well you use the MLA style guidelines. To submit your work, you need to click on the ‘Upload a file’ tab at the top of the instructions box.

This writing assignment needs to be submitted by 11:59pm on Monday, 11/5/18. You may wish to get an early start on this assignment to avoid potential technological problems which may arise such as Internet outage, computer functions, etc. Therefore, completing this work one or two days in advance would benefit you. The date and time of your submission will be recorded in my MyWritingLab Online Gradebook. No late submissions will be accepted so plan your time accordingly.

Journal 8 is due by 11:59pm on 11/5/18

Good luck!

**Friendly Reminders:

All helpful handouts are located in the MyWritingLab Document Sharing list. To access the Document Sharing list, log onto; enter the class; and then click on Student Tools. Then click on the Document Sharing tab on the left side of the screen.

All readings can be accessed through reading links located in the reading list at the end of the E1301 Online Course Schedule of Assignments handout. All readings except the Staples reading are also posted as pdf files on the Canvas homepage.