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Reform Curriculum

Reform curriculum is a big subject these days. According to the book “The Smartest Kids in the World and how they Got that Way” by Amanda Ripley she discussed the education around the world. Also, she discussed a lot of significant point, and one of these points is reform curriculum. A lot of countries are welling and trying to raise up with their education system by using reform curriculum. Reform curriculum is a good way to fix the education system and we need to apply it. The most important point that we need to change to reform curriculum in the United State school system.

Korea is one of the best countries in education system. According to Amanda Ripley she said, “the country had no natural resources, so it cultivated its people instead, turning education into currency” (59). Natural resources do not play a big role in education. Also, natural resources will not affect the education. Now we can see that we can be successful in education without having resources. When we apply reform curriculum it will affect the education in a positive way. In addition, there are many things that should be on the student not on the hole education system. There are many students that do not even open a single book and sill complaining about the education system and by doing this they will affect themselves in a bad way in education. According to the book “The Smartest Kids in the World and How they Got that Way” by Amanda Ripley she said, “the differences in diligence muttered a lot” (122). So, without diligence curriculum will affect them. Also, when we apply reform curriculum the students will push harder and harder because they will have lees work to do so the will have a lot of time.

The first reason to reform curriculum is concentrate on curriculum in the United State because it has a bad rank on schools comparing with other countries. The United Sate is a big country that mean that the reform curriculum will cause a high pressure on students and we don’t want to put a high pressure on students. According to the book “The Smartest Kids in the World and How they Got that Way” by Amanda Ripley she indicates that “No one dropped out because “bonehead English” went away. Soon, teachers stopped talking about it and it was as if applied track had never existed” (142). The author mean that it is okay to drop something from curriculum if it is helping the students to concentrate on studies and their life. Because the more we help student and let them rest to understand what is going on with them and what is important. If the teachers apply curriculum students will be more creative and want to study more and more because it is the right way teach students. Further, the United Sate have a bad rank in schools because they have to study a least 300 pages then students in other countries. According to the book “The Smartest Kids in the World and How they Got that Way” by Amanda Ripley she wrote that “internationally the average eighth grade math textbook was 225 pages long; in the United State eighth grade math textbook averaged 800 pages” (74). The number of pages is not important, but the important thing is the content of that book. A lot of countries have reduced the curriculum and I hop that the United Sate should do the same.

The second reason is they must apply reform curriculum is to reduce homework’s in the United State because homework’s is not a good way to teach students. In United State there is a lot of homework given to student during school. In addition, teachers give student homework during weekends and holydays, but the students wait for the weekends and holydays to get some rest, instead they must do homework’s, so they can’t rest while they do the homework’s during the weekends. However, Finland does not have any homework’s in school, and they are one of the best country’s teaching students around the world, also they got the best scores on PISA. According to the book “The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got that Way” by Amanda Ripley she mentioned that, “The number-one in the world was Finland” (15). This shows that Finland was the best country in education, also they don’t have homework’s and still got number one, so homework’s is important that much to teach students. Homework strategy did not work in United State, so try to reduce the homework and see the results and it should be a good result because one of the best countries in the world in education does not have any homework in their system. In addition, that kind of amount of pressure will consumed the student energy and wipe the creativity inside the students, and creativity is vey important thing to students. Reduce homework will re charge them with power and creativity because they will study and teach themselves and nothing will force them to study against their will. United State will become better then before in teaching when they reduce homework because it is not a good way to teach students.

The last thing people should do to apply reform curriculum is to change the testing methods because standardized tests is creating a mood that devastated the creativity in students and does not encourage students to study. Test these days are mostly multiple choice or question you need to memorize the answer for it, these methods are not good because they are devastating the creativity and won’t let students use their brain. So, we have to create exams the make student more comfortable and use their creativity when they study for it. With solution we make students use their brains and that will help them a lot in the future. According to the book “The Smartest Kids in the World and How They Got that Way” by Amanda Ripley quotes the explanation of why it is important to change testing methods by Schleicher and his team, they said “”We were not looking for answers to equations or multiple choice question, “he ( Schleicher) said, “we were looking for the ability to think creatively””(15). So, it is very important to create tests that make student use their creativity. We need more creativity in this world to go forward to the future. However, creativity give students life skills to do anything possible. Some people are good in their life, but not in school because the creativity they use in their life will not help them with nowadays test methods. However, PISA is a program that design for international students’ assessment and this test helps students to be creative tin their life. PISA do not want students to memorize the answer what it wants is to show or to bring the creativity in your brain.

Some people say that the more homework you get the more you will increase your knowledge. It could be true, but it may cause a lot of pressure on students. Also, students have to get rest from homework, so they can be more creatively. For example, like Finland. Finland is a smart country in education, students got a high score in testes around the world and they do not have homework (Ripley 15). Homework is a special strategy, but not all the strategy works. So, if you tried a strategy and it doesn’t work you need to change or develop it. In the United State schools, they have to apply a new strategy which is reducing homework for student, so they can have some space to breath and live and think clearly and creatively. In addition, reducing homework will develop the education system in the United State. If we want to talk about homework from another perspective, for example, Korea has a good world rank in education, but it does have more homework then Finland. Students in Korea don’t know the meaning of word rest they work all the time including the weekends. This kind amount of work can lead to depression and depression lead to suicide (Ripley 24). Comparing between these two countries’ we can see that one of them did good without homework and the other country also did well with the homework, so it will be much better if we reduce homework in United State school to develop education system.

People who are against changing test methods will say that this test methods are the best way to take tests. Some of the test methods are questions and multiple choices that you have to memorize, but after all these methods are not working because it won’t allow the student to use their creativity. These methods don’t help student to study it only teaching them to memorize. We have to change the test method in the United State based on understanding not memorizing and that will make student to think creatively. However, the man who created PISA test is Andreas Schleicher, and he want to see students to use more of their brain to be more creatively. Schleicher made this test to look for answers for questions that you have to think and more creative (Ripley 15). To work on changing the test methods in the United State school system that we need to work on changing people thinking to understand and see the difference between memorizing and creativity. Also, people who think creatively will get more experience than people who memorizing, because the people who memorize will not change the way they are thinking. So, when you see some people solving life problems we will see that they had a lot of life experience skills issues not a school skill (Ripley 21). In addition, people who think creatively and learn from life skills is better than any other test methods and that why we have to change the test methods in the United State school system because it is devastated the creativity in students.

To sum up, we have to apply reform curriculum faster because it is an important thing for the education system. To reform curriculum we should follow these three steps. First step, we need to concentrate on curriculum in The United State, because if we did it mean that we made a progress to reform curriculum. Second step, we need to reduce homework because it is not a good way to teach students. Final step, we need to change the testing methods because it does not encourage students to study. There are a lot of enemy’s who are against developing the future by fixing the education system, and some of them thing that changing and fixing is a bad idea. We have to see the world from another perspective and think deeply to achieve greatness and to understand the meaning of changing these things to reform curriculum. It is very important to reform curriculum to help student to better than they were and to make student want to study.

Work Cited

Ripley, Amanda. “The Smartest Kids in the World and How they Got that Way”.Simon and Schuster,2013.