No Plagiarism and copy paste!! Our Dying Oceans: A Cause for Alarm, or an Exaggerated Problem? Your paper will make an arguable claim that is in conversation with one or more of the articles in th

Paragraph 1

Topic sentence: the impact of ocean pollution is immense and hence needs special attention.

Explanation of how this is essential and in respect to attracting attention or calling for course of action.

Support from what authors say about this issues.

Paragraph 2

Topic sentence: The ocean dying effect human and animal life

An explanation as to why the effects on human and animal life are dangerous.

Real; life example of pollution in China ocean and South Africa.

Citation from peer-reviewed articles.

Paragraph 3

Topic sentence. Why the ocean was dying should be addressed.

Support for this point serviced from a scientific point of view

Citation to support this stand.

Further explanation

Paragraph 4 and 5

Will follow the same suite and further give the description on the seriousness of the matter and how this can be addressed to avert dangers associated with the issues.

To complete this analysis, the seriousness of the issue must be proved, and this will be attained through support from scientific work and citation from what other authors have said about this topic. The article “Disastrous ocean pollution of petroleum” will form the basis of this discussion owing to its comprehensive coverage of the ocean dying crisis over the human activities.