the video will be without sound because I will read in the video what you will write, it has to be my sound, just 3 minutes or less.

the video will be without sound because I will read in the video what you will write, it has to be my sound, just 3 minutes or less. 1

Assessment Details

Course Code:

LSS 1103

Course Name:

Life and Study Skills

Course Teacher:

Task Title:

Video Presentation: Me and my future

Task Description:

Students will create a 3-4 minute video presentation outlining their perceptions of the future. In the presentation you need to:

  1. Describe how you think about the future.

    1. How much choice do you have about what happens in the future? Why?

    2. How much do you think you can influence your future? Why?

  2. With examples, describe how VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) your world is and what you need to do to overcome challenges.

  3. How your mental models might affect the way you see your environment and the future.

Special Instructions:

In your presentation you need to include concepts covered on the course, such as, future possibilities/ choices and future influence, VUCA, mental models, the ladder of inference). You need to show what these concepts mean and how you can apply them to describing your way of thinking about the future.



Duration/Word Limit:

3-4 minutes

Due Date:

End of week 3

Grading/Marking Criteria:

Your grade will be determined using the relevant criteria from the attached rubric.

Late Penalty:

Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late submission, work submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any work submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.

Academic Honesty:

Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.

(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT Academic Honesty Policy, Student Handbook)

HCT Graduate Outcomes Addressed


Communication and Information Literacy


Critical and Creative Thinking


Global Awareness and Citizenship


Technological Literacy


Self-Management and Independent Learning


Teamwork and Leadership


Vocational Competencies


Mathematical Literacy


Course Assessment/Student Details

Course Code:

LSS 1003

Course Name:

Life and Study Skills

Course Teacher:

Task Title:

Video presentation: Me and my future

Student Name:

Student ID:

Final Grade/Mark

General Comments


Course Name:

Life and Study Skills

Course Code:

LSS 1003

Instructor Name:

Task Title:

Video presentation: Me and my future

Due Date:

End of week 3

Date Submitted:

Student Name:

Student ID:


Late Penalty:

Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late submission, work submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any work submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.

Academic Honesty:

Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.

(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT Academic Honesty Policy, Student Handbook)

Student Declaration:

This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not previously submitted this work to the HCT. I understand that I may be orally examined on my submission.













Achievement that does not meet requirements

Achievement that minimally meets the course requirements

Top of Form

Achievement that satisfactorily meets the course requirementsBottom of Form

Achievement that is significantly above the course requirements

Top of Form

Achievement that is outstanding relative to the course requirementsBottom of Form

Significantly below course requirements

Below course requirements


Explanation, description, and/or justification

Logical reasoning, supported back up and critical thinking: compare and contrast

Explanation and reasoning is wholly lacking. May demonstrate a total misunderstanding of the task.

Explanation and reasoning is not easily discernible, complete or logical. Main points lack support.

Some explanation and reasoning is discernible, though not always complete and/or logical in places. Key points may be significantly lacking in support.

Explanation and reasoning is generally well-formed, complete and logical. Some main points are backed-up, though not always with sufficient supporting evidence and examples, as required.

All explanation reasoning is fully-formed, complete and wholly logical. Most main points are backed-up with sufficient supporting evidence and examples, as required.

All explanation and reasoning is fully-formed, complete and wholly logical. All main points are backed-up with sufficient supporting evidence and examples, as required.

Grading/Marking Comments:


Examination and interpretation of information and/or resources

Little or no evidence of examination of source material

Constituent elements may be incorrectly identified; analysis may be attempted but unjustified

Some key elements are identified, but may lack accurate interpretation, analysis or explanation

Generally, key elements are identified. Generally accurate interpretation, analysis or explanation

Key elements are identified. Accurate interpretation and evaluation show clear understanding with only occasional lapses

Key elements are identified. Accurate interpretation and complete evaluation show clear understanding

Grading/Marking Comments:


Subject knowledge
Understanding and application of subject knowledge and underlying principles

Unable to evidence or articulate basic principles and knowledge related to the subject. Information may be irrelevant, incomplete and/or inaccurate.

Limited knowledge of subject. Information may be significantly irrelevant, incomplete and/or inaccurate making information hard to follow logically.

Some evidence of understanding key aspects of the subject, but details are lacking. Some irrelevancies and inaccuracies

Generally accurate understanding of key aspects of the subject. Some irrelevancies and inaccuracies

Accurate extensive understanding of subject. Minor irrelevancies and inaccuracies

Complete and full understanding of subject. Extensive evidence of appreciation of the relative significance of all relevant aspects of the subject.

Grading/Marking Comments:



Unable to complete talk.

Unable to complete talk or has memorized script without engaging audience. Major problems with enunciation, portions of speech unheard or unintelligible.

Able to complete talk. Contains many mistakes. Voice and enunciation are ineffective. Little engagement with audience. Seldom attempts repair and recovery strategies.

Delivers adequately paced and rehearsed talk. Clear enunciation and use of voice is inconsistent. Engages and maintains audience some of the time. Attempts repair and recovery strategies.

Delivers well-paced and rehearsed talk. Contains a few mistakes. Clear enunciation and effectively uses voice most of the time. Engages and maintains audience. Occasional lapses in repair and recovery strategies.

Confidently delivers well-paced and extensively rehearsed talk. Contains few mistakes. Consistently uses clear enunciation and effectively uses voice. Engages and maintains audience throughout. Fully focused and skillfully demonstrates repair and recovery strategies.

Grading/Marking Comments:

Presentation tool

Tool is wholly irrelevant and inappropriate medium for task/genre.

Tool detracts from delivery.

Significant number of inconsistencies.

Tool contains irrelevancies and/or ambiguity. Lacks clarity but some organization is evident, contains mistakes.

Tool Aids delivery but contains some inconsistencies. Lacks clarity but organization is evident, contains mistakes.

Tool Aids delivery. Clear, easy to follow, few mistakes.

Tool enhances delivery. Clear, easy to follow, no mistakes.

Grading/Marking Comments:


v. 2014-05-15