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Variables worksheet

Independent Variable - is what you do / control in the experiment

Dependent Variable – is the results of what you do

Try these examples – be ready to discuss your answers in our next class.

Instructions: Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable in each hypothesis.

  1. Research Problem: What is the effect of an object’s height on its potential energy?

Hypothesis: If you increase the height from which a ball is dropped onto a flat surface of flour, then the resulting crater will be bigger, because the ball will have more speed.

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

  1. Research Problem: What is the effect of the surface area on evaporation?

Hypothesis: If you increase the number of prices into which you cut wet sponges, then those cut into small piece will dry faster than those cut into big pieces.

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

  1. Research Problem: What is the effect of instant messaging on students’ grades?

Hypothesis: If students spend more time per week instant messaging, then they will have lower GPAs than students who spend less time instant messaging.

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

  1. Research Problem: What are the effects of different sunblock SPF factors on sunburn?

Hypothesis: If the SPF factor of sunblock is higher, then it takes longer to get sunburnt.

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

  1. Research Problem: What is the relationship between the frequency of brushing teeth and the number of fillings students have?

Hypothesis: If students brush their teeth more times per day, then they will have less tooth decay.

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

  1. Research Problem: What is the effect of a surface’s colour on its temperature?

Hypothesis: The darker the colour of a surface, then the warmer the surface will become in sunlight.

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

Challenge: Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable in the following experiment:

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A group of students chose to study acceleration. The students used small toy cars and made a ramp from a wooden board. They held on end of the ramp on the floor at different angles, which they measured. Then they measured how far the cars ram off the ramp from the different angles of ramp.

Independent variable:

Dependent variable: