Format: Microsoft Word file, size 12 Times New Roman font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, title related to your topic, more instructions are on attachment filesbe sure to follow my worksheet topic a

ESL015 Academic Writing

Major Assignment 2:

Comparison/Contrast of Two Campus Spaces

Oral Presentation and Paper

Focus: Organization, finding sources, paraphrasing research, citing and quoting, presentation skills (oral skills and visual design skills)

Length Requirements:

  • 700-900-word paper with at least 4 sources cited

  • 10-12 PowerPoint slides for a 4-minute oral presentation

Background: How do campus spaces “speak” to us? What are the designers trying to say?

As you walk around campus, think about how the buildings and gardens on campus are communicating messages to you. Who are the “authors” who designed these buildings? What are the “messages” (symbolic meaning) that the designers are trying to send to you? Who are the “audiences” they are trying to reach? Are they trying to persuade you to think or feel a certain way? How do the campus designers use architecture, words, images, and other kinds of objects to influence students at Penn State, to create an effective learning environment, and to create a comfortable atmosphere for employees?

Choosing Campus Spaces and Doing Research:

Using the Planning Worksheet, choose two PSU campus buildings or spaces (e.g., gardens, courtyards, etc.), as guided by your instructor, and analyze them using specific points of comparison. Take a few photos of these buildings/spaces and various objects located there, both inside and outside. It is also a good idea to take a notebook with you and to spend at least 15 minutes writing down as many details as possible at these locations. In addition, try looking up these buildings/spaces on Google or on the Penn State website to find more information, and also study the websites for any academic departments that are located in those buildings. Overall, you must find four websites, books, or articles to use as sources. The sources could be either directly related or indirectly related to your locations (“indirectly” means the source provides ideas that help your analysis even though it does not mention that specific place).

To guide your research, think about these questions, as well as other questions:

  • What do the spaces look like, and why where they designed in these ways?

  • What are the different parts of these spaces?

  • What kinds of symbols or messages are displayed outside and inside the building/area?

  • How does it make you feel as an observer? Why does it make you feel this way?

  • What is the history behind the name of the building/space, and when was it built?

  • Who uses these areas, and what do they use them for?

  • What kinds of ethical values do these spaces communicate to people at PSU?

  • Make your own questions about the aesthetics, practicality, and morality of the spaces.

Written Paper: Then organize your findings about these two places and write a 700-900-word research paper that analyzes both campus spaces/buildings using clearly defined points of comparison.

This essay should have an interesting title, a brief introduction stating your thesis, a body that applies your points of comparison, and a brief conclusion.

Oral Presentation: At the same time, create a PowerPoint Presentation that uses visual design to clarify the points of comparison you are using to analyze these two building/campus spaces. On your scheduled presentation day, you will present the PPT in class and it will cover the same content as the essay. Length: about 6-7 PPT slides; this is designed to be a brief, 4 minute-presentation, so you must practice your timing at home.

Due Dates:

First Draft Due on Canvas, Feb. 14th, Thursday, 2hrs before class meeting, 1 point

Submit your PPT slides to me through Canvas, Feb. 18th, Monday by 11:59pm, oral presentation 5 points

Final Draft Due on Canvas, Feb. 21st, Thursday, by 11:59pm, 9 points

List of Suggested Campus Spaces:

Alumni Center and Garden

Arboretum/ Botanical Garden

Beaver Stadium

Berkey Creamery

Borland Building

Bryce Jordan Center

Business Building

Childcare Center at Hort Woods

Courtyard outside of your dorm

Food court in the HUB

Hepper Fitness Center ("Rec Hall")

HUB Robeson Cultural Center

Huck Life Sciences Building

IM Building (Gym)

IST Building/Bridge

Kern Building first floor atrium

Lewis Katz Law Building

Millennium Science Complex

Old Main Building

Old Main Lawn (grassy area)

Pasquerilla Spiritual Center

Pattee Library Humanities Reading Room

Pattee Mall (area in front of the library)

Pattee-Paterno Library

Pegula Ice Arena

PSU Arboretum

Seating area in front of Willard

Sparks Building

Stuckeman Family Building

White Building (Gym)

Or any building or campus space you like!



Content: The ideas are well-developed, focused, and creative. The examples support the main ideas effectively.


Structure/Organization: The thesis and topic sentences clearly introduce the points of comparison that are applied. Paragraphs are unified. The organizational pattern of either point-by-point structure or subject-by-subject structure is clear in the essay.


APA References: For every piece of research, there is a citation. For every citation, there is a reference in the correct format.

Introduction and Conclusion: The introduction introduces the two subject matters of comparison/contrast, and contains a thesis. The thesis briefly summarizes points of analysis and clearly indicates a purpose. The conclusion includes a brief summary and a “take home message,” ending with a graceful and thoughtful sentence.

Grammar and Coherence: The sentences are clear, flow well, and do not have major errors in grammar that interfere with the meaning.

Comparison and Contrast Essay Grading Rubric