1.  The film states (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8H14K62a5U)  that the Plea bargain is a "necessary evil" in order for our justice system to function.  However, we also saw how it can be detri

Book Review Instructions

-For this assignment, you will write a short book review. Your grade will be based on meeting certain requirements listed below, as well as proper format, and how well you exhibit your knowledge of the reading material.

Formatting requirements:

-12 pt Times New Roman font

-1 FULL page in length, no more no less

-Double spaced, 0 pt, no extra space between paragraphs

-1 inch margins all the way around

-Book citation will be the title, appearing like this:

The Murder of the Century, Paul Collins, Random House: New York, 2011.

-Your name needs to be in a header in the top right hand corner of the page, AND ONLY YOUR NAME.

Content requirements:

-Why did the author write this book? Did they meet that goal? (This should be in line with the content of the book, not just a random idea.)

-What is the book about? (in 2 or 3 sentences, not half of your paper)

-Is the story presented chronologically or topically?

-How does the author describe the people and events? Does their tone change for certain people?

-What part of this work stood out to you the most? (either event or person)

-What was your least favorite part?

-Did you enjoy reading this book? Why or why not?

-Would you recommend this book to someone who wanted to know more about this topic?

**NOTE** This assignment will be turned in on Blackboard, and will be checked for plagiarism, this includes copying from the internet OR another class member. Collusion is cheating as well. If ANY assignment is found containing plagiarism it will receive a ZERO. NO questions asked, NO chance for makeup. If you choose to include a quote, make sure that you place quotation marks around it. In other words, DON’T CHEAT.

-Also, if you finish your assignment early and want me to look it over and make sure you are on the right track I am happy to do so. Bring a printed copy to me at least one week before it is due and I will read it, make my comments and suggestions and give it back to you. This way you can earn the highest grade possible.

See reverse for an example of formatting to ensure you get it right. 

The Murder of the Century, Paul Collins, Random House: New York, 2011.

Begin typing here, and make sure you indent the first line. If you start any lower it will cost you points. This is how far apart double spaced lines appear. If your lines are further apart, it will cost you points.

Oh, and one more thing. Make sure you don’t have extra spaces between the paragraphs. The spacing between them should be the same as between lines.

A full page will end down here. If yours isn’t this long, you haven’t met the requirement yet.

Grading Rubric for Book Review

Formatting requirements (20%):

Font – 4 points

Length – 4 points

Spacing/Margins – 4 points

Citation/Title – 4 points

Header – 4 points

Content requirements (80%):

Purpose – 8 points

Content – 8 points

Chronological/Topical – 8 points

Description of people – 8 points

Stand out point – 8 points

Least favorite – 8 points

Enjoy or not – 8 points

Recommend – 8 points

Miscellaneous deductions:

All one paragraph – 10 points

Devoting excessive space (over 2-3 sentences) in paper to summarizing the book – 5 points

Typos/grammatical inaccuracies – varies depending on level of excessiveness

Quotes without page citation – 2 points

Extra space above title – 2 points

Extra information at top of document – 5 points