SEE EXAMPLE ATTACHEDIn completing this assignment, you are to construct an index measuring one dependent variable and then choose indicators for three independent variables, at least one of which h

make-up for today's class

Here is the plan for the canceled class.  As you may have heard we cannot simply cancel class and deny you the course content that you have paid for.  Here is the plan: if you would like 5 points of extra credit on quiz 2 complete the activity below.  

Before you start please keep in mind that the quiz will remain as scheduled.  This means that the only material on the quiz not covered in class discussion is the second half of module 5.  This activity is designed to help you learn this material.  With that said please consider completing this activity before studying for and before taking the quiz. 

  1. Watch the following video on broken windows theory.

  2. In 100 words (minimum) describe, analyze, and state the criticisms of broken windows theory. 

  3. According to your book/courseware, Merton’s social strain theory identifies innovation as the category of people who commit crime.  The theory also states that many people are categorized under conformity.  People under conformity have an education and jobs and use them to achieve the American dream.  Look things over carefully and fill in the blanks in the following sentence.  People categorized under innovation are just like people categorized under conformity accept they are blocked from _____ and _____ and in turn _____ _____ to achieve the American dream.  Then discusses the sentence with the blacks filled in in a 75 word (minimum) paragraph.