Component : Think about Your Future (25 pts.). Complete a brief (1 ½ -2 pages, MLA double spaced) paper discussing what you might need to do (aside from completing your undergraduate degree) to move


Daily Journal

Journal entry on the facility’s effectiveness in meeting the Healthy People 2020 initiatives.

  • Please include in the Journal how to meet the objective of Healthy People 2020 initiative.

Daily Journals (see p.8 course syllabus for format). Students are required to maintain a written journal of their activities in the clinical area. The journal should include how you are meeting both the course and your personal goal (s) and objectives. This also provides a vehicle for communicating with your clinical instructor, a means of evaluating your progress as well as self- reflection. Entries should be made for each clinical day and the journal should be submitted according to format on p. 8 course syllabus or per your professor’s instructions/preference.

  • I am doing community service in a Daycare Center for children age 3-5 years of age. I usually go on Wednesday from 11:00 am through 4:00 pm and Thursday from 7:00 am through 2:00 pm. I help feed the kids, clean after their messes, play with them in the court yard, take the male kids to the bathroom etc.

Journal format:

Headings as follows should be boldfaced:

Date of the activity.

What did I do? (Brief description of the activity)

What did I learn from this activity? (Personal reflection)

What were the positives about the experience?

What were the negatives about the experience?

What recommendations can you offer to enhance this learning experience?