Assignment: Applications of Graph TheoryDue This WeekIn 1736, a famous Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783) started the work in the area of Graph Theory through his successful attempt in


Exemplary 90-100% A

1. Choose two (2) applications for graph theory within your area of specialization (Networking, Security, Databases, Data Mining, Programming, etc.). Weight: 15%

Thoroughly chose two (2) applications for graph theory within your area of specialization (Networking, Security, Databases, Data Mining, Programming, etc.).

2. Examine how these applications are being used in your specialization.  Weight: 20%

Thoroughly examined how these applications are being used in your specialization.

3. Determine how graph theory has advanced the knowledge in your area of specialization. Weight: 20%

Thoroughly determined how graph theory has advanced the knowledge in your area of specialization.

4. Conclude how you will apply graph theory in your area of specialization. Weight: 20%

Thoroughly concluded how you will apply graph theory in your area of specialization.

5. Writing / Support for ideas (5%)

Consistently uses reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.  

6. Writing / Grammar and mechanics (5%)

Free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation

7. Writing and Information Literacy / Integration of Sources (5%)

Sources are consistently integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, using in-text citations

8. Information Literacy / Crediting Sources in APA (5%)

Consistently shows correct use of In-text citations with matching references using APA-format

9. Information Literacy / Research (5%

Number of sources is sufficient, and the quality of sources is good. Â