Read the promt



For this response, I want you to take apart one of your sources.What this entails is that you will write about the following components: how the article is formatted, how it is organized (for instance, does it have subheaders?), what is the author’s argument?, how do they include context within their piece?, what kind of context is there?, who do they reference? (what other experts are they in dialogue with?), do they make any significant rhetorical moves? (for example, do they attempt to counterargue with another expert?), finally, how do they answer the “so what?” question. Once you have done this, you will provide a brief summation of how you might incorporate the author’s techniques in your own writing style.


The purpose of this prompt is the following:

  1. You need to see how others in the field use the basic skills that you are practicing in this class on a different academic/professional level.

  2. The more examples you see, the better you will be able to incorporate these ideas into your own writing and be more successful as a writer all around.

  3. By being able to identify particular writing strategies, you’ll be more apt to identify them in your writing and your peers’ writing.


The assignment should be written according to MLA 8 standards (consult your guidebook or OWL Purdue MLA). It should be in Times New Roman font, 12 point font, double-spaced, you should have a header with the correct information on the first page, page numbers at the top right corner in the correct font with your last name, you should also be sure to have a Work(s) Cited page at the end if you have cited any sources within the text. The essays themselves should be between 500-600 words in length, have a clear thesis, clear introduction/conclusion, clear topic sentences and transitions, it should be organized with little technical errors, and it should professionally engage with course materials. Be sure to cite your article in the Work(s) Cited.

I have also included one the sources