Medicare is the most rapidly growing component of the federal budget. Federal funding for Medicare comes from payroll taxes and income taxes, paid by individuals who are employed. Most Medicare benefi

Rubric : Week 2 Assignment


Now that you understand and have created a virtual machine, your Caduceus CTO, Eliza, has asked you to extend that application and provision infrastructure in the cloud. Specifically, you will provision a Windows operating system in the cloud and use the Amazon WorkSpace Client for access. The provisioned infrastructure could be accessed by any end-user device running the AWS Client. This includes a desktop running Microsoft Windows, a Mac device running Apple MacOS, iPad, Android Tablet, and even a Google Chromebook. You will use any of the aforementioned end-user devices to access the provision infrastructure once this is set up.

Step 1: Log in to the AWS Dashboard

CMIT 495 requires you to complete hands-on assignments in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) virtual environment.

To get started, log in to the AWS free account you created in Week 1.

Step 2: Download the Week 2 Assignment Template

Next, download the Week 2 Assignment Template. You will answer the questions and embed the appropriate screenshots of your cloud infrastructure provision as you work.

When providing a detailed overview of the steps required to install the Windows operating system on the virtual machine, make sure to include screenshots of each step in the process. Specific details and instructions are included within the Week 2 Assignment Template.

Step 3: Install and Configure a Microsoft Windows Operating System

Provision cloud infrastructure via Amazon and a OS platform (PaaS) by installing and configuring a Microsoft Windows operating system that can be accessed on demand by any end-user device. Access should be made possible via the Amazon WorkSpace Client.

Research and use AWS documentation and tutorials for instructions and guidance to complete the assignment.

Consult the AWS Connection Documentation in order to connect to the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Step 4: Upload Your Work to the Assignment Folder

When complete, export your file as a PDF and upload to the LEO Assignments Folder (e.g., Week 2 - Cloud Computing).

Step 5: Stop and Terminate Your Amazon Instance

After you complete the Week 2 Assignment, stop and terminate your Amazon deployment/instances so you do not receive any unexpected charges on your account.

Rubric Name: Week 2 Assignment

Medicare is the most rapidly growing component of the federal budget. Federal funding for Medicare comes from payroll taxes and income taxes, paid by individuals who are employed. Most Medicare benefi 1

Medicare is the most rapidly growing component of the federal budget. Federal funding for Medicare comes from payroll taxes and income taxes, paid by individuals who are employed. Most Medicare benefi 2