For each of the first four issues, you will complete a short essay that answers a question about that issue, using the sources and lecture materials that we have covered in class.Source 1 :  https://

Prompt Question(s)--

Levels of Achievement:

Achievement Level 1 0 (0%) points

Does not attempt to address prompt question(s)

Achievement Level 2 10 (10%) points

Attempts to address prompt question(s), but with minimal effectiveness.

Achievement Level 3 16 (16%) points

Addresses prompt question(s)with moderate effectiveness

Achievement Level 4 18 (18%) points

Successfully addresses all prompt questions.

Achievement Level 5 20 (20%) points

Addresses prompt question(s) with sophisticated analysis and a high degree of effectiveness

Source use and Analysis--

Levels of Achievement:

Achievement Level 1 5 (5%) points

Did not use any specific examples from readings or lecture/discussion notes. Little or no analysis.

Achievement Level 2 15 (15%) points

Used specific examples from only one source and/or did not use or analyze source effectively

Achievement Level 3 30 (30%) points

Moderately successful at integrating readings and lecture/discussion notes. Analysis attempted but examples not always clear or specific.

Achievement Level 4 35 (35%) points

Drew clear examples from a combination of readings and discussion/lecture notes. Demonstrated proficiency in integrating sources by relating examples to one another through analysis.

Achievement Level 5 40 (40%) points

High degree of source integration from both lecture/discussion notes and readings in narrative. Uses clear analysis to demonstrate how examples are both relevant and related to one another


Levels of Achievement:

Achievement Level 1 0 (0%) points

Essay highly disorganized with no clear transitions from one idea to the next.

Achievement Level 2 3 (3%) points

Transitions from one idea to the next are minimal but somewhat clear.

Achievement Level 3 5 (5%) points

Organization and transitions from one idea to the next are mostly successful.

Achievement Level 4 8 (8%) points

Demonstrates proficiency with organization and transitions from one idea to the next with clarity

Achievement Level 5 10 (10%) points

Demonstrates high degree of proficiency with organization and transitions from one idea to the next with great clarity. Makes for highly effective arguments

Writing Style--

Levels of Achievement:

Achievement Level 1 0 (0%) points


Achievement Level 2 3 (3%) points


Achievement Level 3 5 (5%) points

One or more of the following issues present and distracting: passive voice, colloquialisms,or slang.

Achievement Level 4 8 (8%) points

One or more of the following issues present but only mildly distracting: passive voice, colloquialisms,or slang.

Achievement Level 5 10 (10%) points

No sentence structure or narrative issues. Writing style very clear and effective.

Grammar and Formatting--

Levels of Achievement:

Achievement Level 1 0 (0%) points

Numerous grammatical errors severely hinder ability to read essay and did not meet minimal formatting requirements and page length.

Achievement Level 2 3 (3%) points

Grammatical errors distract, paper was not proofed, or fewer than three pages.

Achievement Level 3 5 (5%) points

More than three grammar errors or fewer than three pages.

Achievement Level 4 8 (8%) points

Fewer than three grammatical or spelling errors. Met formatting and minimum page requirements.

Achievement Level 5 10 (10%) points

Paper properly formatted with no noticeable grammatical or spelling errors and met minimum page requirements.


Levels of Achievement:

Achievement Level 1 0 (0%) points

No citations

Achievement Level 2 3 (3%) points

Some footnotes but incorrectly formatted or provides text citations instead of footnotes.

Achievement Level 3 5 (5%) points

Footnotes included but often incorrectly formatted and/or not included where needed.

Achievement Level 4 8 (8%) points

Footnotes included where needed and formatting errors minimal.

Achievement Level 5 10 (10%) points

Footnotes included and properly formatted.