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For each of the first four issues, you will complete a short essay that answers a question about that issue, using the sources and lecture materials that we have covered in class.Source 1 :  https://

For each of the first four issues, you will complete a short essay that answers a question about that issue, using the sources and lecture materials that we have covered in class.

Source 1 : 

Source 2: 

Source 3 : The Spies Who Came in from the Heat:The International Surveillance of the Anarchists in London  -   Pietro Di Paola

Do not use materials that we have not used/discussed in class for this paper. Sources should be cited using Chicago style, and the paper should include a Bibliography. Each paper should be between 850 and 1000 words in length.  

Issue Paper Three should address the following question(s):

Historically, what purposes have intelligence gathering organizations played? Provide at least three examples from lectures, discussions, and readings (secondary and primary sources are required). What are the broader implications of espionage, spying, state secrets and foreign policy manipulation in our post 9-11 world?

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