Building Strength and StabilityIntegrated Report - Individual Assignment -1 HiI have come back again with another challenge.Please read the file for each task and write it as desired.Thanks

Building Strength and Stability 2 – CIVL 0027 – Fall - 201 8 1 Department of Civil Engineering Building Strength and Stability 2 (CIVL 0027) Integrated Report - Individual Assignment -1 Date of submission – 11.11.2018 ( Week 6 ) OBJECTIVE: To verify the behaviour of concrete cubes with different water c ement ratio, mix proportion and the purpose of steel r einforcement used in concrete members. TASKS 1: Every student is required to submit the integrated laboratory report. The report must include the following tasks: a) Discuss the importance of compressive strength of concrete based on your results obtained from the laboratory tests. b) Investigate the effect on the strength of the prescribed concrete mix, if the mix proportion of cement , sand , aggregate and water are changed. c) How is water cement (w/ ratio affect the strength of concrete/cement mortar? d) What is the purpose of using steel reinforcement in concrete? Elaborate your answer based on your test results Building Strength and Stability 2 – CIVL 0027 – Fall - 201 8 2 Report Format 1) The front cover of the report should have MEC logo and no page number shall be inserted. The page shall be formatted using the following margin spacing (see sample title form)  Top: 1.0 inches  Left: 1.25 inches  Right: 1.25 inches  Bottom: 1.0 inches 2) The report must be in black ink and is typed written in English preferably British style, using 12 points font of “Times New Roman “, on A4 size paper. 3) The spacing of the lines must be 1.5 inches, using ‘justification’ alignment for the running text, ‘centre justification’ for the chapter heading, and ‘lef t justification for the section heading/sub heading if any. 4) The page number should be in the ‘fo oter’ at the middle. Report Sections The Report should contain a minimum of 10 pages covering the following sections:  Cover Page  Table of contents  Introduction  Main b ody  Data Results and Discussion  Conclusions  References  Appendix ( if any) Building Strength and Stability 2 – CIVL 0027 – Fall - 201 8 3 Rules & Regulations If any cont ent of the report body is found to be copied from the other students , then marks will be deducted from both reports. Plagiarism Policy  Plagiarized documents, in parts or whole, submitted by the students will be rejected. For the first offence of plagiarism, a student enrolled in undergraduate programme is penalised with a deduction of 25% of the marks obtained during subsequent s ubmission. According to the plagiarism policy of MEC student is allowed to re -submit the work once, within one week and no later submission is accepted and will be marked a zero . The student has the right to appeal against the decision made, to the respect ive Programme Manager . Further appeal on decision taken may be made to the Head of the concerned department. If the student is not satisfied by the decisions taken by the department, s/he can appeal to the Plagiarism Appeals Committee.  For the second off ence of plagiarism against the student, (committed in any semester after the semester of the student‘s first offence of plagiarism in the tenure of the student in the undergraduate programme), the student is awarded zero in the assessment where plagiarized content was found. The student is not allowed to re -submit the assessment. The student has the right to appeal against the decision made to the respective Programme Manager . Further appeal on decision taken may be made to the Head of the concerned departm ent. If the student is not satisfied by the decisions taken by the department, s/he can appeal to the Plagiarism Appeals Committee.  Repeated offences of plagiarism by the student (more than two times) are dealt with as per the college policy on Academic Di shonesty as mentioned in the Student Handbook (6.2).  All decisions on plagiarism related offences will be communicated to the student by the respective module instructors, using routine channels of communication Building Strength and Stability 2 – CIVL 0027 – Fall - 201 8 4 with students, currently used by the college , preferably on the same day the charges are confirmed or the very next working day.  The student has the right to appeal against the decision in formed by the module instructor to the respective Programme Coordinator. Further appeal on decision taken may b e made to the Head of the concerned department. If the student is not satisfied by the decisions taken by the department, s/he can appeal to the Plagiarism Appeals Committee.  In certain cases, the student may be required to appear for an interview with the module instructor, if deemed necessary.  The maximum time limit given to a student to raise appeal against the charges of plagiarism is two working days including the day on which the matter is informed to the student. It is preferable that the appeals ar e made on the same day of the college on which the student is informed of the issue. All appeals must be made during regular working hours of the college. . Malpractice (MP) A. First offence of MP If a student is caught in an act of malpractice for an assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester, the student shall fail the module and shall be required to re -register the module. B. Second Offence of MP If a student is caught a second time in an act of malpractice for an assessment com ponent irrespective of coursework or end semester (in a subsequent semester) , the student shall be suspended for one semester from the College. C. Third Offence of MP If a student is caught a third time in an act of malpractice for an assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester (in a subsequent semester), the student shall be expelled from the College. Other cases It denotes all other forms of academic misconduct including but not limited to ghostwriting, collusion, fabrication, falsific ation, unauthorized access to unseen examination papers and other academic and administrative documents/systems and aiding academic dishonesty/misconduct Building Strength and Stability 2 – CIVL 0027 – Fall - 201 8 5 If a student commits an act of academic integrity violation whether defined as above as “other cases” or of a different nature, those cases shall also be forwarded to a departmental level committee set for the purpose .The committee shall investigate the case by means of a viva and/or a disciplinary hearing and shall take appropriate decision. Attendance Policy Regular class attendance is expected of all students. If a student arrives late for class and the roll call has been taken, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor at the end of that class that he/she arrived late and was no t absent. Any student who arrives late to class after 10 minutes from the start time of the session will be marked absent for that session. However, the student shall be permitted to attend the session if he/she wishes to do so. Students should regularly c heck their college email and SIS for any notifications on their attendance. Students who do not fulfil the attendance requirement will not be allowed to write the End Semester Examination and will subsequently be declared as failed. For more details refer to the student handbook. Late Submission Policy The recommended practice at MEC is to set the cut -off time to 23:59 on the due date for all assessment submissions. As per the Assessment Policy at MEC, for any late submissions, a penalty of deduction of 5% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted work will be imposed for each working day following the last date of submission till the date of actual submission. Assessment documents submitted beyond a period of one week after the last date of submission will not be accepted and will be awarded a zero for that assessment. In cases where the submission has been delayed due to extenuating circumstances, the student may be permitted to submit the work without imposing the late submission policy stated above. The extended period of submission will be one week from the original last date of submission. In such cases, the student is expected to submit the supporting certificates on or before the original last date of submission of the assessment and the decision of e xtension rests with faculty responsible for the assessment .The late submission policy shall be applied if the student fails to submit the work within one week of the original last date of submission. Students may contact their teachers for clarification o n specific details of the submission time if required. Building Strength and Stability 2 – CIVL 0027 – Fall - 201 8 6 Assessment Sheet – Basic Assignment Analysis: Task Very weak Weak Good Excellent a To d  Very we ak und ers tand ing and absence of rele vant details  A few relevant points bu t su perficial details  No evidence – po or und ers tand ing and presentation  Writing quality and flow of details.  Poor contents and no refer ences  Weak understanding  Incomplete contents  Some awareness but also confusing  Arguments not clear  No evidence - too in -depth analysis.  Superficial use and poorly referenced  Attempts but with errors and omissions  Shows awareness but limited  Insufficient evidence  Insufficient evaluation  Some good but incomplete references  Adequate awareness and evidence  Clear awareness and underst anding  Good writing  Cover all relevant areas  Fulfil all requirements  Good evaluation and synthesis  Relevant and referenced  Good source of references Building Strength and Stability 2 – CIVL 0027 – Fall - 201 8 7 Studen t ID: _________ Studen t Name: _________ ___ No Task Bad/ poor Average Good Excellent Marks Marks Awarded 1 Report structure include table of contents, introduction, body, data results and findings, conclusions and references 10 2 Introduction 15 3 Main body of the report 25 4 Data, Results and Discussion 40 5 Conclusions 10 Total marks out of 100 Penalty Final M arks out of 100 Final Marks out of 20