The Report is in two parts.Part 1 (50% of total mark for this assignment)Design a comprehensive environmental audit tool (checklist) that could be used to undertake an environmental audit of one of t

MNG00912 Environmental Management for Hotels and Attractions

Assignment 2: Environmental Audit Report Marking Rubric

Marking Criterion

High Distinction





Environmental Audit Checklist

Selection of relevant items for checklist


Excellent selection of relevant items based on a thorough understanding of environmental auditing theory and the particular characteristics of the business

Very good selection of relevant items based on a comprehensive understanding of environmental auditing theory and the particular characteristics of the business

Reasonable selection of relevant items based on a sound understanding of environmental auditing theory and the particular characteristics of the business

Adequate selection of items for checklist which have a reasonable fit with the business. Basic understanding of theory

Inadequate selection of items for checklist which are not necessarily well targeted to the business

Appropriate method for evaluating each item in checklist are given


Excellent. Appropriate methods for evaluating each item are proposed. Easily achievable and practical

Very Good. Mostly appropriate methods for evaluating each item are proposed. Mostly achievable and practical.

Good. Overall, appropriate methods for evaluating each item are proposed. Mostly achievable and practical.

Adequate. A suitable attempt to identify appropriate methods for evaluating each item are proposed. Most but not all are achievable and practical.

Inadequate. Appropriate methods for evaluating each item are not proposed. Most are not achievable or practical.

Overall design and comprehensiveness of auditing checklist


Excellent design; sections logically structured and organised

Very good design. Sections are mostly logically structured and organised.

Good design. Sections generally structured and organised appropriately.

Adequate design and structure.

Poor design; not logically structured and organised.

Demonstrates understanding of the business’s environmental auditing needs


Excellent level of understanding of the selected business and its environmental auditing needs; the audit checklist is well-targeted

Very good level of understanding of the selected business and its environmental auditing needs; the audit checklist is generally well-targeted

Good level of understanding of the selected business and its environmental auditing needs; the audit checklist is mostly well-targeted

Adequate level of understanding of the selected business and its environmental auditing needs; the audit checklist is adequately targeted

Inadequate level of understanding of the selected business and its environmental auditing needs; the audit checklist is not targeted

Rationale Document

Audit design process informed by relevant literature


It is clear that the design and development of the audit checklist has been informed by a comprehensive and excellent understanding of the topic gained by reading the relevant literature; the literature used includes academic and technical publications as well as other sources such as websites and YouTube videos and is relevant and contemporary

It is clear that the design and development of the audit checklist has been informed by a reasonably comprehensive and very good understanding of the topic gained by reading the relevant literature; the literature used includes academic and technical publications as well as other sources such as websites and YouTube videos and is relevant and contemporary

It is clear that the design and development of the audit checklist has been informed by a reasonable and good understanding of the topic gained by reading the relevant literature; the literature used includes academic and some technical publications as well as some other sources such as websites and YouTube videos and is reasonably relevant and contemporary

It is clear that the design and development of the audit checklist has been informed by an adequate understanding of the topic gained by reading the relevant literature; the literature used includes academic and technical publications as well as some other sources such as websites and YouTube videos

No clear indication that the audit design process was informed by the relevant literature

Justification for the items included in the audit checklist


Excellent justification given, informed by the specifics of the business as well as the literature

Very good justification given, informed by the specifics of the business as well as the literature

Good level of justification given, reasonably informed by the specifics of the business as well as the literature

Adequate justification given; some understanding evident of the specifics of the business as well as the literature

Inadequate or non-existent justification given

Written expression and structure


Excellent level of written expression and structure. The Rationale is logically structured and flows very well. There is a clear flow from paragraph to paragraph.

Very good level of written expression and structure. The Rationale is logically structured and flows well.

Good level of written expression and structure. Expression is mostly at a suitable level but could be improved in parts.

Adequate level of written expression and structure. Some problems with sentence structure and expression evident.

Very poor, inadequate level of written expression and structure. Difficult to understand large parts of the assignment. Unclear expression.

Presentation level


Excellent. Free of spelling and grammatical errors. Highly professional in appearance.

Very Good. Mostly free of significant spelling and grammatical errors. Professional in appearance.

Good level of presentation. Some errors in places, but overall of a suitably good standard.

Adequate presentation but flawed in places by some errors that reduce the level of presentation. But overall at an acceptable level.

Poor. Unprofessional in appearance with too many errors.

Referencing and reference list


Referencing without any errors

Reference list comprehensive and free of errors

Referencing without any substantive errors and Reference List quite comprehensive and largely free of substantive errors

Referencing correctly done in most cases. Reference list good without being as comprehensive as it could have been and there may be some minor errors in its construction

Adequate referencing though there are minor to more substantial errors. Reference list adequate but not necessarily very comprehensive and there may be errors in its construction.

Incorrect referencing used.

Reference list contains a number of significant errors in its construction.