You will have to write paragraphs (150 words each) on items from your portfolio. You must describe each item and how it developed your future thinking skills (simple words).the items are:mental model

Order the following sentences to retell the story. The first one has been done for you.



The reason she comes late is because she needs to help her younger sister, Asma, get to school in the mornings.


Aaesha keeps coming late to class which means that her attendance percentage is quite high (10%).

After all, family comes first.

Aaesha would love to get a license but her father has decided that she can do the test when she turns 21.

This is not easy because Asma, being like many young girls her age, doesn’t like to get up early and takes a long time to get ready.

He feels this is a suitable age for his daughter to gain enough experience, practicing before driving on her own.

She doesn’t mind taking her sister to school, she sees this part of her responsibly towards her family.

This means that they are sometimes late leaving the house.

They go to school first, and the driver who is quite old, never speeds.

This takes her about an hour to get from her home to the college in the mornings.