In a well-constructed philosophical essay answer two of the following essays.  Choose specific point that you are trying to establish - something that you are trying to convince the reader to accept

Social Perspectives on IPV

SOC 427/527

Exam #2

This is an open book/open notes exam. Your goal for this exam is to integrate course material as clearly, concisely, and comprehensively as possible. To accomplish this goal, use a variety of required readings and other course materials to formulate your answers. Use your answers to illustrate that you understand and comprehend the information discussed in class and the readings, and that you are able to integrate and present the material in a meaningful way.

You are not required to do outside research to answer the questions on the exam. If you choose to do so, that is fine; however, you should not use outside materials to the exclusion of required class readings.

You may feel compelled to include personal beliefs and experiences in your answer; however, I am asking you to remain as objective as possible and provide an answer based on your understanding of the course material. You will be graded on 1) how comprehensively you answer the question, 2) your integration of course material, and 3) how well you organize your answer. Be sure to answer all of the parts to the question.

Although there are no minimum page requirements for your answer, you should aim for a solid 3 pages (having more than 3 pages is OK; in this instance, less is not more).

Your exam must be typed (12-point font) and double-spaced. Your exam must be written independently of other students. You are required to reference (i.e. cite) any material that you use. For citations of sources in papers, I will accept any commonly used reference style (including APA and ASA).

Your exam is DUE in class on Tuesday, April 30, 2019. As stated in the syllabus, I will not accept exams via email and/or they should not be submitted online through D2L. I will accept exams in hardcopy only.

Please select ONE of the following questions to answer:

  1. How do the topics that we have been discussing in the course throughout the semester apply to the women’s stories in the Surviving Domestic Violence book (Weiss 2004)? Select a minimum of two different topics that we have discussed throughout the semester to apply to each woman’s story. You must discuss three of the women’s stories in your answer (i.e. I should be seeing a minimum of 6 different topics discussed throughout the essay – 2 per each of the 3 women’s stories = 6).