complete your rough draft. Therefore, you are adding the two additional body paragraphs plus your conclusion to your essay.

Running Head: WRITING ACTIVITY 2 0

Writing Activity 2

Research and Writing (ENG 215)

Working Thesis Statement

A healthy diet contributes greatly to a healthy life because for a young person to have a good sleep at night, he or she must start by having a balanced healthy diet; several people who do not keep a balance between sleep and diet may lead lives which are cumbersome, trifling as well as full of aggression.

  1. Introduction

  1. Hook: Imagine that there is a person who does not care about balancing between sleep and a healthy diet all through. Would you like to be such a person who does not care about his or her wellbeing?

  2. Background: Advantages of people who keep a balance between a balanced healthy diet and a good sleep at night.

  3. Thesis Statement: Healthy diet contributes greatly to a healthy life because for a person to have a good sleep at night, he or she must start by having a balanced healthy diet; several people who do not keep balance between sleep and diet may lead lives which are cumbersome, trifling as well as full of aggression.

  1. Body:

  1. In this section, young people must be sensitized that the secret towards a healthy life is keeping a balance between a good sleep at night and a balanced healthy diet.

  2. Secondly, it is important also for people to understand the essence of taking a healthy diet because it is a secret to a healthy life.

  3. Additionally, for a young person to lead a healthy lifestyle, he or she must sleep for a complete eight (8) hours.

  4. Also, being involved in daily exercises greatly contributes to a healthy life.

  5. Finally, it recommended for a young person to take two to three servings of fruits daily to maintain a healthy life.

  1. Conclusion:

  1. A good sleep at night, coupled with a balanced healthy diet, greatly contributes to a healthy life.

  2. Again, it has been proven scientifically that young people who get involved in daily exercises have higher chances of leading a healthy life.

  3. Also, those young people who have made it a habit of taking two or three servings of fruits every day have a healthy life.

Imagine that there is a person who does not care about balancing between sleep and a healthy diet all through. Would you like to be such a person who does not care about his or her wellbeing? A healthy diet contributes greatly to a healthy life because for a young person to have a good sleep at night, he or she must start by having a balanced healthy diet (Boesveld, 2015). Several people who do not keep a balance between sleep and diet lead lives which are cumbersome, trifling as well as lives with aggression.

It is also good for young people to be involved in vigorous exercises because these exercises usually offer medical advantages like better disposition, more grounded bones and muscles, expanded vitality, and many more. Since yoga involves physical movements, it also helps in keeping body fit. Having enough sleep, eating a proper diet as well as being involved in physical exercises can help young people to lead a healthy life (Boesveld, 2015).

Water is another thing which helps in keeping lives healthy. The various advantages of water include strengthening muscles, helping the face to shine and glow. When a person takes a glass of water, he or she feels better since water makes a person active and robust.

On the other hand, physical activities help to maintain a healthy life in that they help in reducing the likelihood of heart attack, they lower blood pressure, manage body weight, lowers chances of type 2 diabetes from occurring and even some other kinds of cancers (Physical activity - it's important, 2019). One feels better after an exercise. Physical exercises also reduce the risks of obesity.

A good night’s sleep also contributes much to a healthy life. For example, a good night sleep helps in warding off heart diseases, it prevents diabetes, it slims a person down, it slows aging, it boosts immunity as well as making the skin to glow (Boesveld, 2015).

Feedback: The feedback that I received from my audience was to use the Web text more to complete the task I was given. Everything that I used I pulled it from My Prewriting as well as from My Writing Notes from SoomoWebtext.


Australian Government Department of Health. (2014). Australia's physical activity and sedentary behavior guidelines. Dep Heal Website.

Boesveld, S., (2015). Eight health benefits of a good night's sleep - Chatelaine. Retrieved from

Is yoga heart-healthy? It's no stretch to see benefits, science suggests. (2019). Retrieved from

Physical activity - it's important. (2019). Retrieved from