Hai, this paper requires 7000 words, In the attached files you can see the questionnaire and presentation that I have done, by looking into it you have to choose a product in the company that you have

Submission method options: Alternative submission method


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The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) liked your STP presentation and asked you to review their overall marketing mix and current strategies, making recommendations for improvements. 

The final assessment (Assessment item 4) is to be done in the same group as Assessment 3. This is for you to evaluate how well the marketing mix of the organisation is performing for your chosen organisation from Assessment 3.                         

Incorporating theoretical concepts into your discussion from chapters 9-13and with the use of other theoretical sources and secondary research, please discuss the following:

1. Outline and describe the 8 marketing mix concepts theoretically and apply the components to one of your products offerings. It is recommended to narrow your analysis to a product line where multiple products exist. As part of your application be sure to explain and evaluate all of the 8ps’ of marketing (product, prices, promotion, distribution, partnerships, people, processes and physical evidence).

2. Given your evaluation of your overall marketing strategies, the competition and broader contemporary issues facing marketers today, provide recommendations for your organisation. Your recommendations should focus on each of the 8ps and illustrate how contemporary issues may impact on your organisation and its marketing strategy.

For example, for this report, contemporary issues may include, but are not limited to, Corporate Social Responsibility, social media interactions, advances in technology, ethical concerns, environmental concerns and globalisation etc. Higher marks will be rewarded to the student who are able to identify the contemporary issue/s and creatively involve within the discussion.

More information on how to complete this assessment will be provided on Interact 2


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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to assess and explain the nature of marketing and marketing management in contemporary organisations.

  • be able to apply the marketing mix and aspects of branding and positioning to a specific target market and be able to evaluate competitors' programs.

  • be able to discover and evaluate how contemporary issues of environment, social media and other technology, society and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) might affect marketing.

Marking criteria and standards

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High Distinction (100-85)%

Distinction (84-75)%

Credit (74-65)%

Pass (64-50)%

Fail (below 50%)

Communication Skills
This is about the presentation of the work including :Structure, Format, Grammar, including images

Value 10%

Grade range 0-5 marks

Free of grammatical errors

Structure and format were clear Sentences were well constructed. Language was concise. Excellent use of diagrams, images and tables that were both visually appealing as well as clearly relevant and explained

Free of grammatical errors

Structure and format were clear Sentences were well constructed. Language was concise. Excellent use of diagrams, images and tables that were both visually appealing as well as clearly relevant and explained

Some grammatical errors, sentences were clear and complete clear structure and formatting using headings, and sub headings, some illustrations and diagrams, but not explained and only decorative

Some grammatical errors, sentences were clear and complete clear structure and formatting using headings, and sub headings, some illustrations and diagrams, but not explained and only decorative

Poor grammar, spelling, punctuation, concepts were not clear, no paragraphs or formatting- no images, tables or illustrations

Theoretical analysis skills 
This criterion is about defining, describing and evaluating the concepts that were found when researching the topic
Value 40% 
Grade range 0-15 marks

Clear definitions, descriptions with examples and analysis of concepts with highly insightful and perceptive comparisons, evaluations and conclusions

Clear definitions, descriptions with examples and analysis of concepts with comparison, with clear evaluations and conclusions

Clear and relevant definitions and descriptions with examples, some attempt to develop analysis by comparing and contrasting of concepts

Concepts were defined, there was an attempt to provide descriptions with examples to explain, limited analysis

Concepts were not defined, described or evaluated, mainly listed without explanation

Application skills 
This criterion is about linking theory to a specific context,
apply the marketing mix and aspects of branding and positioning to a specific target market and be able to evaluate competitors' programs explaining how it relates to a product/company, contemporary issues and making recommendations
Value 40% 
Grade range for 0- 15 marks

Described and identified and insightful evaluations were made. The context was connected to theory with exceptional, logical and imaginative links. The market discussions and recommendations were highly relevant , realistic and supported with explicit connections to theoretical arguments  

Described and identified and insightful evaluations were made. The context was connected to theory with clear, creative and logical links. There were relevant, well supported recommendations and market discussions with explicit connections to theoretical arguments

Described and identified. The context was connected   to theory with clear links. There were relevant market discussion and recommendations were supported

Described and identified. The context was connected briefly to theory, but the recommendations were not well supported by arguments

There was no or limited application to a business no examples provided no recommendations

Referencing Skills 
This criterion was about the application of APA referencing
Value 10% 
Grade range 0-5 marks

Both the in text and end reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA6. Referencing apparent in all places where expected.

Both the in text and end reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA6.

Referencing applied. However style/application was inconsistent with some errors in text/reference list


There was an attempt to apply referencing, but style and application were inconsistent and some points remain unreferenced

There was limited or no attempt at in text or end of text referencing



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Online discussion can use informal language, but logical and clear writing styles should be used. Talk to each other; joining in the discussions rather than just posting a list of theory and examples works best for everyone


Think depth of discussion


Sources should be cited and links can be a great resource for your fellow students


Please do not engage in personal comments and criticism; being controversial with your ideas, to stimulate debate is encouraged, but disrespectful behaviour is not acceptable.